Chapter 32: Happens for a Reason

Start from the beginning

"Here we go."

"Well, they do. I always say, I would never have met Hank if my ex- Carol- hadn't forced us to move to Seattle to be closer to her family."

Hank points out, "You wasted 30 years in that marriage."

Graham argues, "No, it wasn't a waste. It got me here. I met you."

"30 years too late."

"Better late than never," Graham keeps pushing.

"Things don't always happen for a reason, Graham. I was alone all that time, and you were scared. And I don't believe that that's the way things were supposed to be. We were supposed to be together, have our entire lives together. So I can't just sit back and be okay with you losing the one thing that can get me my 30 years with you."

Graham apologizes, resting a hand on Hank's cheek, "I'm sorry. He's just a little scared."

Hank nods, "You're damn right I am," He points at the doctors, "You don't screw this up."

Angela shakes her head, "We won't. Dr. Ross will make sure that the liver gets here."

"If I have to drive to Oregon and pick it up myself," He agrees.

Graham points at him, "See? Maybe that's why I had to say things happen for a reason, so you'd tell at them."

Angela smiles at them, patting Graham's leg, "Sometimes being scared with the person you love is more powerful and important than being strong for them."

"See. She's a smart one," Graham points at Angela.


Angela finds Jackson sitting in an exam room by himself and holding a vial of blood, "Are you a vampire now? What's with the blood?"

Jackson jumps, "Geez! Do we need to put bells on you or something?"

She stands there, looking at the vial, "What's with the blood?"

He runs a hand over his head, "Uh, eh, um, April thinks she's pregnant."

"Oh," Angela nods in surprise, "Well, um, take it from me. Not knowing is both scary and safe. Teddy had to read the results for me because I was so scared. Just, be prepared for a flurry of emotions from both of you no matter the results."

"Yeah. That's...yeah," Jackson sighs.


Stepping into the OR of Graham, Angela gets Bailey's attention, "Dr. Bailey."

"Hey. We're almost ready for you. After this bile duct, we'll be just about done," Bailey tells them.

A nurse calls out from near the phone, "Dr. Bailey, Dr. Warren's calling the front desk.He was wondering what time your surgery would be done."

She snarks, "Yeah, I bet he is. He probably found another inspiration picture in a bride magazine he wants to discuss. Do we do silver bells or snowflakes on our invitation? Garland or poinsettias on the centerpiece? Psh. Uh, suction."

Angela sighs, "Bailey, just do the wedding."

"Please, I thought you, Miss. Don't-Do-Love, would be on my side."

"That was before Mark," Bailey slightly deflates, "I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with him. One moment, I'm finding out I'm pregnant and I can't wait to tell him. The next, he's laying in a hospital bed, going through the surge. Then, I was at his funeral. Just do the wedding that he wants because you two love each other and want to treasure each other. Do the stupid wedding for those of us who will never get that."

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