The Mission

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It had been a year since the incident. They had won for now.

At first things were hard to get used to, there was a relief that everything would be fine in the end. That it would be okay, but deep down that thought was an unstable one. The world wasn't truly free, it was just one win of many that had to be completed. Everyone knew that it couldn't be avoided. Satan always came back, he was a god after all, he could never truly be defeated. A fact that burned deep inside that no one truly wanted to accept, but soon had to. For now that one win of many gave hope. Hope that it will all end soon.

Yukio has changed, Rin noted, though, of course who wouldn't? He knew all too well what happens when you become a demon. He sighed, they now truly were more like twins as Yukio had the same ears and tail. It wasn't a happy note though, but Yukio has gotten used to it just fine. Rin did have hope in that, but it was clear to him that Yukio was unhappy with it, even hiding his demonic attributes when home.

'What would the old man think?' Rin thought, leaning back in his chair that was at the desk in the dorm room. Shiro Fujimoto, the old paladin. He was tough, somehow, as if by some miracle he survived the possession of Satan. No one knew how or why, but the biggest question is why was him being alive a secret? Sure, he was in a coma and will be for god knows how long, but still. Rin sighed, 'That's probably why it's affecting Yukio so much, he's probably worried what the old man would do if he found out Yukio was a demon now like me. Shit, this wouldn't have happened if I was stronger!'

He pushed his chair back to the floor with a loud thud. He clenched his jaw, his hair covering his face as he just stared at the table in a moment of anger. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath to calm himself down, 'There's nothing I can do about it now.'

Right as he thought that, his phone started ringing. Rin shoved his hand into his pants pocket, pulling it out and looking at the caller ID. 'Mephisto. What does he want?'

Answering the call, Rin replied, "yes?"

"Come to my office, immediately," Mephisto said in a tone that sent shivers down Rin's spine as he stood, before he could even get a word in, Mephisto hung up.

'Damnit, not even going to explain anything!' Rin glared at Mephisto through the phone even though it would have no effect as the door opened behind him. He turned to see Yukio.

"I'm guessing you got the call too?" Yukio asked, flipping through his keyring. Of course he was still wearing his old exorcist uniform, the slight bag of the clothes made it easier to hide his tail underneath, but the change that was most apparent to Rin was his hair. Yukio always kept his hair tidy and at a specific length, now he grew it out, clearly to hide his pointed ears.

Rin nodded, taking a few steps towards Yukio, "yeah, cryptic as all hell."

"I do agree with that, it's weird," Yukio nodded, finally finding the key that led to Mephisto's office, "I'm just hoping it has nothing to do with Satan."


Yukio put the key into the hole before opening the door to Mephisto's lavishly purple office. It was fancy yet overly cluttered as usual, decorations of bright pinks and purples that clashed. Having both Victorian and Japanese aesthetics decorated throughout the place. Rin could swear it gets worse every time he goes in there, hell there's even bright yellow on some of the curtains.

Mephisto sat at his cluttered desk, but the strange thing was the man standing in front of it. Well, Rin guessed it was a man. He was tall and in a black cloak that completely covered him from head to toe.

"I do agree that it is for the best," Mephisto said to the man with a nod, sounding more serious than his commonly jester-like attitude, making Rin's hairs on the back of his neck stand on edge. If Mephisto is sounding this serious, what is going on? Or could this weird cloak guy just be that powerful. Either way, Rin didn't like it one bit.

The Mirrored Worlds - Book 1: Others Like UsWhere stories live. Discover now