Chapter 2: Ugh, School

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After Guinevere got home she took a shower, flopped on her bed, and fell asleep.  

The next morning Gwen woke up to the blaring sound of her alarm, She groaned and slapped her hand around her bed to find her phone, and when she did she turned off her alarm while sitting up. 

Sitting in her bed she blankly stared at her wall mentally preparing herself for the day, after about five minutes she finally rolled herself out of bed and into the bathroom to brush her teeth and prepare herself for school. After she was done she slowly walked back to her room trying to take the most time possible before going to school. 

Back in her room, she shuffled threw a drawer full of band and graphic tees finally picking out an old Metallica shirt she was pretty sure was Hunters but didn't know how it got in her drawer and denim ripped jeans—then sitting down at the desk in her room to do her makeup, trying to keep her hand as still as possible while adding a thick line of eyeliner and add some to the bottom of her eyes as well.

Once she was finished she tied up the laces of her Converse and grabbed her skateboard decked out in stickers planning to skate to school and made her way outside to grab her backpack from her car when she was standing on her front porch and got a text from Hunter

" I coming to pick you up"                                                                                               "Be there in 5"

"K" She responded waiting on her porch when she saw Hunter's car pull up to her house blasting  Music. He rolls down his window, lowers the music, and hands Gwen her favorite coffee from a cafe a few blocks down. She gasps with excitement, takes the coffee from Hunter's hand, runs to the passenger side opens the back door, throws her skateboard back there, and gets in the front seat of the car.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is just what I needed this morning!" She said expressing her gratitude for the coffee.                         " Yeah yeah, you owe me," he told her. " Can I pay my debut with a  kiss?" she asked, Hunter made a face like he was thinking about it but eventually accepted that method of repayment by kissing Gwen, she kissed back and after a few seconds they both pulled away.  Gwen smiled at him but then ended their moment by saying "Okay. Now drive we're gonna be late." she said as Hunter now speeded off to school with Gwen now taking control of the music.


As Gwen and Hunter made their way threw the school halls, Gwen riding her skateboard was stopped by a teacher. "Miss Blakley" the teacher caught her attention. " Yes ma'am?" she answered as Hunter stopped as well to see what was happening. " You wanna keep that skateboard?" The teacher asked with a threat. " Uh, yes." Gwen responded, " Keep it off the ground."  Gwen kicked up her skateboard from the ground, caught it, and started walking again. "Wheels up!" The teacher instructed as Gwen lifted it up above her head. "Like that?" She asked " Yup!"  "Okay" Gwen listened but as soon as she and Hunter turned a corner out of view of the teacher she jumped back on her skateboard and skated to her locker a few down from Hunter's. 

Just then as Hunter and Gwen were throwing things into their lockers. Gwen looked up to see Hunter trying to warn Kevin about Skip coming up behind. Kevin clearly not getting the memo got pushed over by Skip shoving him, and fell as Gwen and Hunter rushed to his side.

"Skip Hoffman sucks pig dicks." Hunter told Kevin  " I don't think he was trying to hit me. I was just in the way." Kevin defended  " No, the jerk saw you." Gwen told Kevin but Kevin was eavesdropping on Skip and Clay talking about a party. "K, I'm gonna be late for class, I'll see you at lunch bye," Gwen says kissing Hunter on the cheek and walking off.


Later on at lunch Gwen was sitting across from Kevin at a lunch table but she had given up on trying to talk to him because he kept spacing out and staring at the new girl Emily. " Hey. What's up?" Hunter greeted the two and sat down next to Gwen. " Did you ask your mom about the double bass kit?" Hunter asked Kevin and he nodded. "What'd she say?"  "She said she doesn't have a thousand dollars," Kevin told Hunter. " Okay, well what about a double bass pedal? We won't get the resonance but well really have that attack." Hunter reasoned. "Yeah, she said she doesn't have one hundred and fifty dollars either." Kevin stopped Hunter. Hunter looked down trying to think of a way to get that double bass kit but was pulled out of thought when seeing Kevin staring at Emily again. 

"She's in my speech class. I think she's English or Scottish. I don't know." Hunter informed. " She's Scottish, she's in my science." Gwen corrected.  "Well, I heard she went apeshit on the band teacher" Hunter gossiped while Gwen shivered from how cold it was because she stupidly forgot a jacket. "That's one messed up chick," Hunter said while taking off his jacket to give to Gwen since he saw her literally freezing. He handed it over to her, she put it on and then he grabbed her hand and interlaces their fingers under the table.

A/n: Did anyone catch the reference to The  Amazing Spiderman movie in this chapter?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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