Chapter 15-Nightmare

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I found myself dozing off,I was awoken by a strong force that shook me in the shoulders.When I lazily opened my eye,I saw Meloetta at my face,I shrieked,I mean man-screamed in shock.

"What the heck it with girls and staring into my face when i'm asleep!"I shouted.

"Look Hawke i'm sorry,I really am but I need to tell you something"Meloetta said.

"What is it?"I asked.

"It's about Dusk"she said.

My eyes widened and I bolted straight up.

"What is it?"I asked.

"He's gone"

I stood up and we ran towards the Creation Tower,when I glimpsed at her she looked away,why was she staring at me?

"What do you mean you lost him!?"I shouted.

"When I went to check on the Azumarill,he probably escaped,when I looked back he was gone"

We rushed in the creation tower and we looked everywhere,when I left the tower I heard furious slashing coming from the nearby field.When I checked it I found Dusk cutting the poor tree with Fury Cutter.I walked towards him.

"Dusk?"I asked.

He stopped and turned around I saw a Razor Fang hanging from his neck by a thread.

"Where'd you get the Razor Fang?"I asked.

-My mom gave it to me,she said if I wore this I would evolve-he said.

"Is this about your battle with Manaphy?"I asked.

-I wanna be stronger,Illusion and Spike won their battles,why didn't I?-he asked.

"Dusk you were at a disadvantage"I said.

-Still,I want to be as strong as them!-he said.

"Why?Strength doesn't matter,you know i'll love you the same"I said.

-It's just that you use Illusion and Spike more often,I thought that you used them since they were stronger,maybe it's true-he said sniffling.

I kneeled down so I was at his level.

"Dusk,why didn't you tell me before?"I asked.

-I thought you'd make fun of me-

"Why would I do that?"I asked.

-Because,if my mom abandoned me then maybe you would abandon me too-he said,tears foeming in his eyes.

"Dusk,I don't care if your strong or not,i'll still love you"I said.

-You swear?-he asked.

"I swear"I said.

He leapt and hugged me with his pincers crying,I patted his back affectionately and when he stopped he looked at me,his eyes wet from the crying,I wiped the tears off his face and he smiled.

"Let's go watch the sunset shall we?"I asked.

-Okay-I said.

I carried him to the tree where Sady,Illusion,and Spike were asleep.I sat him down and I lied down and quickly fell asleep,little did I know Meloetta watched my every move...

(The Next Day)

I woke up to the sound of whimpering,I saw it was still night and I saw Spike whimpering and moving back and forth,he was having a bad dream.I touched him and once my finger touched his rough skin his eyes opened,this time it was blank,with no emotion.He bit my hand for a second before letting go,I winced in pain,Dusk woke up and looked at me worriedly.When he took a step,Spike looked at him angrily and his claws turned light blue,he was using Dragon Claw.He rushed towards Dusk angered.I ignored the pain that shot through my hand and leapt in front of Dusk to protect him.Spike lashed with Dragon Claw at my back,I shouted at the extreme amount of pain I felt,I felt blood run through my clothing as he continued lashing,all of a sudden he roared before he whimpered.

-H-hawke?D-did I do that?T-to you?-Spike said extremely worried about the several open gashes at my back.

I felt queasy,and dizzy,I suddenly fell to the ground and I fainted due to the extreme amount of blood I had lost...

(Dusk's P.O.V)

Hawke fainted and fell to the ground,a pool of blood forming around him.I gased in horror,I immidiately glared at Spike.

-You did this!!!-I said shouting.

I leapt onto his face and growled.

-Dusk,it wasn't me!I was in a nightmare!I swear!-he said.

I calmed down and glared at Spike again.

-We have to help Hawke-I said.

I immidiately walked over to Sady and woke her up,I then explained what she needed to do and she nodded.She ran and carried Hawke,she then rushed towards the creation tower,after a minute which seemed like an hour she came back.

-Arceus doesn't know if he'll be okay but they'll try-she said,she sounded like someone who never drunk water.

-Thanks-I said.

She nodded and she walked back and slept,I lowered my head.

-Dusk,what's wrong?-Spike asked.

-It was my fault,if I hadn't moved Hawke woudn't have protected me-I said.

-It wasn't your fault it was mine-Spike said.

-Guys,guys it was nobody's fault,nobody can predict the future-Illusion said.

-Sinve when were you awake?-I said.

-Just now,I heard you explain what happened to Hawke-she said.

The sun had begun to rise,I looked up and I saw the first rays of sunlight appear.I lowered my head in sadness and closed my eyes,when I looked back at Spike and Illusion there faces were in total shock.


-You,you evolved-Illusion said.

I looked at my pincer,they were right,instead of a Gligar's purple pincer,it was pitch black,I stood on my stinger and took a good look at my evolved body.I grinned but it lasted for a few seconds.

-Come on let's check on Hawke-I said.

The two nodded and we all rushed to Hawke......

I'm coming,just hang on a little longer......

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