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(Hi guys Arthur's no I had to restart this chapter because that is why Pad was giving me a hard time and I accidentally deleted some stuff and I have to fix some things up you all enjoy the story I will try My best to fix what I can and hope you enjoy this brand new chapters/old chapters and yeah. I also am trying to work very hard on fixing to make it Things work So please be patient with me and if you have any suggestions please leave a comment Thank you very much for your understanding😁😅🤟😙🫂.)

I love you and I am sorry for the delays in fixing everything I have the inspiration to write. But you know how things happen I've been having some problems with the apps. I had almost everything almost done but for some reason, it  deleted all of my progress so I'm just going to do a quick summer up and yet I'm making the other chapters so yeah Wish me luck.

Opal Fire finds herself on a strange planet and she has no idea where she is or where her team is she barely remembers how she got here and she doesn't know what. All she knows is that she is in a strange world that is not her planet and she's being hunted down by her Kraang

There's an attack on her and her teams when they are trying to escape so they jump through a portal.

However, something must have been wrong because she does not see any of her friends nor does she see her attackers as good But she does not feel safe now in the open like this.

She just says she decides to stick to the shadows as she exposes this strange world that is Earth which she does not know yet and she calls humans 2 legged creatures because she does not know that they are called humans because on her planet humans don't exist her species are dragon Warriors awesomeness? I a go into more detail on them in perhaps a late chapter if that's something that interests

And wait she decides to find somewhere to hide and lay low and maybe find someone who could help her fix her calm link so she can get in touch with her team to make sure that they're OK and hopefully they're not captured.

As she continued through the alleyways. She came across a note from Anton's warehouse so she decided to stay there. She calls them buildings huts. Because that's what she's used to calling Buildings. On her planet anyway, she goes to hand and decides to make a nand press for a bit because she.

Does not have her full strength with her yet because of the whole escaping thing anyway according to April O'Neill finding Casey Jones in an alleyway.

Looking at something strange she says Hi to him he says Hi back he shows her what he found They found mysterious footprints April calls the turtles to see what they think of the strange print The turtles get to wear April and Casey find the footprint, Donnie. examine the footprint along with the scale that was found beside it.

It was From a reptile of some sort though he couldn't be certain he needed to be running anyway The turtles head back to the layer so don't.

Even run small tests on the word scale Meanwhile back where the Opal fire is She hears first the door to the warehouse Opal hides in the shadow and sees what is going on.

She sees it very strange because she had never seen a human they were wearing weird clothes and they had strange tattoos on their bodies and did not look friendly and she does not take kindly to intruders especially when that disturbs her Sleep anyway she keeps an eye on them and see what they were doing.

It turns out that the man will try to create some sort of base here going to get this place ready to show them, the so-called Boss.

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