the games have begun....

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( I got this game idea from aib_shifting_ on tiktok!)

You arrive to the the big building.

It appears to be an apartment you'd seen before. Your friend from grade school used to live there.

"I guess I should go in" you mutter to yourslef anxious to see what awaits you.

You step up to he gate. Some sort of blue like lazers zaps behind you once you cross.

You turn around surprised and confused.

"Huh?... this must be some sort of security is it even still working..." You thought to yourself self.

You turn your attention back to the apartment. You see an arrow pointing to the stairs next to a sign and a desk of what appears to be phones on a table.

"Please take 1" the sign reads.

you walk over to the table and reluctantly pick up a phone.

You turn it on and suddenly it scans your face.

You stare at the phone confused.

A picture of you with a number below it is shown.

"Huh!? When did they get my picture!? How is this phone even working! What kind of joke is this!" You say frustrated.

You take a deep breath and walk up the stairs to the very top of the building, the roof.

Once you're up there you see some other people standing there.
There was an older woman maybe in her 40's, 3 young school girls still in their uniforms and a short man with checkered suit on.

"Hey! What's going on!?" You ask the people.

They just stare at you with a concerned face until the short man speaks up.

"There's no good way to explain this but we've basically been trapped in a world where we are forced to play death games. You see we have these things called visas-". The man continued to explain to you the situation you were in.

Even though you did not really believe the man you still stuck around since there were no other people.

When out of nowhere a rather robotic sounding lady starts speaking.

"Registration is now closed"

"Hangman, in this game 6 harnesses will drop down and each of you will be fastened into one and you will each be given a word. You will be given 3 three times to answer correctly. If you get all 3 x's you'll drop to the ground". You'd didn't want to admit it but this actually kinda made you nervous even though you knew it couldn't be real.

Just then 6 harnesses drop from the sky.

Each player gets into their harness and waits patiently.

You look around at the other players. They all look distraught. Almost like the haven't showered in weeks,their clothes were all tatterd an dirty.

This confused you, but your thoughts were interrupted by the robotic lady voice again.

"First contestant, BENJIRO YUKIRO"

"you word it 7 letters long you may guess now"

too be continued...

Sorry I ended it there but I swear I'm going to devote an entire chapter to the game I just wanted to get a short one out lol.

WAIT WHAT!? Niragi x reader Where stories live. Discover now