Story #1 ♡

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•| 2/3/23 |•

● - Idea suggested by  Hollowed_  ●

• Shadilver •

Shadows pov:

I was sitting against a tree, listening to all the peaceful sounds of the birds chirping and feeling the calmness of my chaos energy flowing through my veins. For once I was actually calm, with nobody to annoy me or bother me since Rouge is with knuckles and faker is hanging out with that fox I can finally have time to myself.

Or so I thought.

"Hey shadow!!" I heard a voice that I thought I would never hear again speak. I sighed while trying to tone out the voice but that obviously didn't work because it just got louder and louder until I couldn't take it anymore. "What do you want?" I was now staring at the 'future' hedgehog that was floating in the air while sitting crisscrossed, "I just wanted to say hi! It's been pretty boring in the future so I thought maybe to come to visit you since you did look pretty lonely later on" I growled while rolling my eyes, cant this silver hedgehog take a hint that I don't like being around people? I hate everyone. I guess he took it as an opportunity to try and annoy me more because he soon floated down and sat next to me while looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"But shadow, don't you love rouge?" "I do but not in that type of way" Silvers smirk grew wider and he started to speak, "But do you love Mar-" "Finish that sentence I'll chaos blast your face I swear to god " I really didn't want to hear her name because I would usually get emotional about it remembering the things that happened and I didn't want silver to see me bawling my eyes out. "Ok geez, anyways we should hangout-" "No" I did not want to be bothered by anyone today- let alone silver. "shadow c'mon! you have to stop being grouchy and try to become more social!" "With you? I'll pass" "please shadow! I wanna be friends with you!" I started to chuckle under my breath.

Friends? who does he think I am? I will not-

I saw a teal aura form around me and I was soon lifted into the sky, I would have attempted to break out but this is all of silvers doing and I didn't want to argue knowing that he'll probably continue to bug me about this every day so there's no win here- well not for me of course, but I still dont like this so I chaos controlled out and walked by silvers side without him noticing for like 5 seconds, I started to laugh when he finally figured out that he was not using his powers on me anymore- which made him mad but I didn't really care.

"How did you just now figure out that?" I said while smirking at him which made him pick up some dirt and throw it in my face, now that was rude so I picked up more dirt and threw it at his face back. "There, now we're even" but I guess he still wasn't too happy with that because he started to pick up more dirt with his telekinesis- but I wasn't very happy with that either so i just gave him a death glare which phased him enough to set it down.

"Where are we even going?" I asked which caused silver to look away and blush, why did he look away? all I asked was a simple question. 

"I actually....don't know...because you know I'm in the future and stuff so-" "You don't know anything about this place, yet you came here to bug me?" I cut him off while looking at him with an annoyed expression written on my face. Silver just shrugs his shoulders while looking at the ground and saying "yeah I guess so..." I was pretty surprised, he didn't know anything about this world yet he came here just to spend time with me? I never thought someone would ever do that...

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