002 a suspicious witness

Start from the beginning

"Rosier," Ariadne addressed.

"Oops. Did the polyjuice wear off?" As she said that, her disguise vanished. The once calm and collected Millard slowly revealed a more sinister woman. Vinda Rosier played with her wand, smirking at Ariadne. Her brunette hair was tied tightly in a bun, red coated her lips. The delicacy taught to every pureblooded witch was easily seen in Rosier.

"They tell me you're a murderer now," they circled each other, waiting for the other to strike first. Patience was a virtue and Ariadne knew all she had to do was stall.

"It's for the greater good," Rosier raised her wand and started the duel. Spells bounced around and both witches were quick with their defensive and offensive charms, "You would understand, wouldn't you?"

A careless retort that cut Ariadne more than she would have liked. Her face darkened, "You don't know me."

"Oh, I know you, Ariadne," Ariadne cast a protective charm, using it to shield herself from Rosier's fatal blows. She pushed forward, trying to gain the upper hand, "I know all about you," Ariadne led Rosier to the entrance, Theseus' words ringing in her ear. A spell bounced from Rosier's shield, turning a large vase into a toad.

"Trying to turn me into a toad," Rosier ridiculed, a sneering smile never leaving her face.

"If only it worked," Ariadne huffed, "Why Cycad?" she asked, hoping to gain information. Why would Grindelwald want the Cycads dead? They were friends of the Minister of Magic, Hector Fawley, that's what Barracus said. They were in positions of power due to their connections. However, they shared Grindelwald's views. So why them? Did Grindelwald deem that they held too much power?

"Seemed like an easy target," Rosier easily lied, sending three charmed blasts towards Ariadne who blocked all of them.

"What did he want with Lincoln and Marcia Cycad?" Ariadne repeated.

"If you think I will tell you anything, then you are wrong," Rosier conceded, jumping down the grand staircase. Ariadne stayed up, hoping to use the high ground to her advantage. Spells bounced around as the two women held their ground. Neither besting the other. It wasn't until Theseus apparated into the entrance that they stopped. He blocked the door while Ariadne stood at the stairs, Rosier in the middle of them.

"Coward," Rosier muttered, directed at Ariadne. More aurors walked in, pointing their wands at Rosier whose eyes were glued to the brunette witch. Theseus didn't miss the way Ariadne glared back at the French witch. Before anyone could do anything, Rosier pointed her wand to the mirror. Fragments of glass flew like daggers towards the group. Reacting quickly, some shielded their colleagues while others redirected the glass shards towards Rosier. She apparated away before it could hit her. With their target disappearing, the shards flew straight towards Ariadne. Her reaction was quick, a shield brought up to prevent any impalement.

However, one small piece of glass pierced through her shield and nicked the skin on her hand. She inhaled sharply, watching as no one paid heed to her. It had always been like this and sometimes she hated it. Everyone always thought they could walk all over her and not face the repercussions; surprised when she actually fought back.

Feeling confined in the large foyer room filled with aurors, she slipped outside. Flowers blossomed in the front garden of the manor. The greenery was easier to see looking down the hill. She glanced down at the two aurors who lay unconscious, their stomachs slowly rising and falling.

How courteous, she mocked, Letting them live. Deep down, she knew that Grindelwald's kills were always calculated. So what did he want to gain by killing the Cycad couple? Soaking up the peaceful view, she cast two reviving spells, watching as the aurors began to stir. Her eyes stayed glued to the horizon as she heard footsteps come up behind her, knowing the one person who had to see her was the one she wanted to get away from.

"What did she say to you?" he wondered. She was surprised at how gentle he sounded, almost like he cared. She examined the cut on her hand. It would heal soon, it was only small.

"Nothing important."

"Ariadne, I know it's bothering you," he disclosed. What was his play? A minute ago he was holding his dagger at her throat, now he was asking how she was. She didn't like that he could just switch between demeanours. Hate her all you wanted, but don't act like her friend while doing so.

"Did you not hear me?" she shot back, her cold eyes stared back at him, "It's nothing."

He silently sighed, "Barracus wants us back in his office, now."

"I'll be there," he hesitated before heading back inside, leaving her alone. She hugged her coat closer to her chest. Duty called and Ariadne knew that this mission would make or break her. Already an hour in and it was chaotic as always. She would be kidding herself if she thought everything would go smoothly. Inhaling the fresh air once again, she apparated back to the Ministry, ready to face the hectic environment she was placed in.

[2015 words] 

edited 04.03.24

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