TWO ♗ 𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆

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An ice-cold hand wrapped around my throat in an instant, tightening enough to restrict my air supply. I wanted to gasp, but no air would enter my lungs, my hands curled around a strong wrist that remained unmoving no matter how much I struggled to pull it away from me. 

A moment of brilliance crossed me and I started swinging my right leg as a means to kick him. All it took from him was a step forward, his body pushed mine against the secret door and I felt it give away under the weight pushed onto it.

My eyes widened, not like I could see anything, the peephole didn't provide any possible lighting. Somehow, not seeing him was even worse. Fear ran down my spine, my sweat felt cold as it dripped down my sides. Who was this man? What did he want? Did he know he was going to open the damned trap door if he kept pressing me against it?

The door gave out a single centimetre. I struggled harder, there was nothing worse than to be found in this position. There would be no returning from secret passageways with a random stranger. His grip loosened, I finally took a deep breath of air, and then another and another. My teeth sunk over my lip as I kept my curses to myself and focused on keeping as quiet as possible.

I could only hear my heart beating and my quickened breathing, instead of what would be going on outside. How could this be going so wrong?

My hands patted my neck for a few seconds before I felt that the silence in the dark was far too scary, and they started patting my clothes for the phone. Relief flooded me as I felt the round shape of it and pulled it out of my pockets.

I clicked it open, my eyes instantly strained and close with the abrupt light, but I blinked the discomfort away. He was standing next to the trap door, head close to the peephole, but faced toward me... as if he had recovered to suddenly being flashed with light faster than me...

His thin eyebrow arched, and his dark eyes took me in from top to bottom. I froze, as he fiddled with what looked like a large needle that ended in a small golden ball, like the ones scattered across his torso. Were those also needles? Sweet Palin, who was this freak?

Without a worry in the world, he turned back to the peephole. Oh right, Marie. What was she doing awake? What was she doing walking into the master bedroom as well? I took a careful step towards the trap door, and I saw the stranger's arm flex in anticipation by the corner of my eye.

I shook my head and touched my ear to the thin wood. Silence. Just silence. I closed my eyes for a second, two, and nothing. Was she even there? Perhaps I had lost her exit when I was being strangled? How long had it been?

A door creaked, soft sobs echoed along a metallic sound, like an unsheathing of a blade. Oh no. Oh no. This could not be good. An anguished scream followed, along with the slam of a door.

The long haired man looked at me, his large almond shaped eyes narrowing in what could've been disgust if his face muscles had followed. "Ah, what a pain."

I flinched and, for a single second, gaped at him. What was he doing? Did he want to be found?

He took a step towards me and, in my panic, I dropped my phone, leaving both of us in complete darkness once more.

I sighed, and dropped to the floor, kneeling carefully and patting around me. The trapdoor opened, and soft moonlight streamed inside, my hand jumped and wrapped around the clunky dark device. I was on my feet and after his silhouette the next moment, scurrying to my bedroom.

There laid my husband, paling by the second, blood dripping slowly onto the plain white sheets, staining them irreparably. A glass of water was on the floor, its contents pooled next to the garish bear skin carpet.

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