Chapter 17: Special chapter: Old friends, new enemy

Start from the beginning

Ash: Yeah! How would you like it if someone did that to you?!

Butch: Who cares?!

Ash: Besides! Money isn't everything you know!

Butch: Not unless you need it for lunch!

He then goes up to Ash and smirks.

Butch: Why don't you give me your money too?!

Ash: Not happening!

Butch: Then, you leave me no choice!

Just as he was about punch him...

Zee: I wouldn't do that if I were you!

Butch: Huh?

Turns out the girls came Ash's rescue!

Ash: Girls!

Zee: You lay a finger on my boyfriend and you'll regret it!

Kara then grabbed Butch by the shirt collar.

Kara: And that'll be my job to smash your face in!

Butch: [nervous] I-I-I was just leaving!

Gastly: [scares him] GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS!


Ash: Hey, thanks girls!

Zee: Nobody messes with my boyfriend!

Kara: [puts arm around him] And my little bro!

Ash: Thanks, girls!

Kara: [takes off his hat] Noogie!

Ash: [laughs]

Kara: [laughs]

Pikachu: [laughs] PIKA PI!

Zee: [cuddling Gastly] Thanks for your help, Gastlykins!

Gastly: [proud] GASTLY GAS!

Zee: [giggles]

Ash: Any who, I'll catch up with you girls in a few minutes! Gotta get some stuff out of my locker!

Zee: Okay, Ashykins!

As Ash was getting a few things out of his locker, a pair of hands covered his eyes.

Ash: Huh?

Pikachu: PIKA?

Carol: Guess who?

Ash: [gasps] Carol, is that you?!

Carol: The one and only!

Ash: Good to see you! Did you transfer here?

Carol: Yeah!

Ash: That's awesome!

Carol: Sure is! Now, I'll get to see you more often!

Ash: That's awesome!

Pikachu: PIKACHU!

Carol: Pikachu! [cuddles Pikachu] So nice to see you again, you little cutie pie!

Pikachu: [coos] CHA!

Ash: Pikachu still likes you!

Pikachu: [agreeing] PIKACHU!

Carol: And I like you too!

Ash: So, did you end up catching a Pokémon partner?

Carol: Yeah! Two actually!

Ash: Really?! Two?!

Carol: Yeah! [takes out two PokéBalls and opens them] Check it out!

Plusle: [appearing] PLU PLU!

Minun: [appearing] MIN MIN!

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