Chapter 17: Special chapter: Old friends, new enemy

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It was another beautiful day in Metropolis, as Ash's Rotom Phone went off.

Rotom Phone: This is your wake up call! This is your wake up call!

Ash: [yawns] Mornin'!

Pikachu: PIKA PI!

Ash: Morning, buddy! Hey! Where's Zee Zee?

That's when Ash's Rotom Phone was ringing.

Rotom Phone: You have a call! You have a call!

Ash: It must be from Zee! [answers it] Hey, Zee Zee! What's up?

Zee: I just woke up early to get an early start! I wanted to wake you up too, but you looked so peaceful sleeping! So, I went on ahead of you!

Ash: Gotcha!

Zee: Better hurry! School starts soon!

Ash: I'm on it! See you soon, Zee Zee!

Zee: See you soon, Ashykins!

After they hung up with each other, Ash started getting ready! He ate some breakfast, brushed his teeth and washed his face.

Ash: I'll see you later, Giovanni! I'm heading off to school!

Pikachu: PIKA PI!

Giovanni : See you later, Ash!

And so, Ash left for school. When he got there, some of the students greeted him.

Boy: Hey, Ash!

Boy #2: Yo! What up, Ash!

Girl: [flirty] Hi there, Ash!

Girl #2: [flirty] Hey there, cutie!

Ash: Hi there!

Pikachu: [greeting] PIKA PI!

Then, Ash saw his friends and girlfriend!

Ash: Hey, girls!

Pikachu: PIKA!

Zee: Ashykins!

She then ran up and hugged him.

Zee: I thought you wouldn't make it in time!

Ash: I have my ways!

Pikachu: PIKACHU!

Zee: Let me guess! You used Charizard to get here, didn't you?

Ash: Yup! [giggles]

Zee: You never cease to amaze me, Ashykins!

Ash: Aww shucks, Zee Zee!

Zee: And I think that deserves a reward [kisses Ash on the lips]!

Ash: [blushes] [giggles]

Pikachu: [snickering] PIKA PIKA PIKA!

Kara: If you lovebirds are done, we've gotta get to class!

Ash: Right! I'll be with you in a few minutes, Zee Zee! [kisses her cheek]

Zee: Okay, Ashykins!

Ash went over to his locker to get a few things, that's when...

Boy: C'mon, Butch! I gave you my money the other day!

Butch: Well, I want more of it! So hand it over!

Ash: Hey, stop that!

Butch: Or else what?!

Ash: Just because you're bigger doesn't mean you have the right to pick on him!

Pikachu: [agreeing] PIKACHU!

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