Chapter 46: Bottle It All Up

Start from the beginning

Mainly because he has yet to kiss anyone, while his younger brother is over here, apparently mated.

"Nope." Lo'ak pops the 'p'.

"Shutup! Stop playing with me man." Neteyam says, punching his brothers shoulder.

Lo'ak smirks, giving Esmyrie a kiss on the forehead before letting go of her, turning to his brother with a challenging look, beginning to slap his brothers arms jokingly, Neteyam doing the same.

Neteyam grabs his brother in a headlock and takes him to the sand, Lo'ak tripping his brother in the process, both the boys playfully fighting. Lo'ak tries to get the upperhand, but Neteyam doesn't let go, instead flips them over so he has some advantage over the boy.

"You mated?!"

"Yes dipshit!" Lo'ak laughs, moving his body and grabbing Neteyams arm, pulling it off and away from his throat, taking the boy to the sand.

"No way!? Was it good!?" Neteyam asks, still play fighting, allowing his brother to get the upper hand for a bit.

Esmyrie rolls her eyes but can't hold the smile that forms. They are two brothers having fun and rough housing.

"Dude! She's right there!" Lo'ak chuckles out, now getting his brother in a chokehold, only to be brought on his back by his brothers strength.

"So what I'm hearing is it was good." Neteyam clarifies, chuckling when he sees his brothers embarrassed and blushed face when he turns him around.

Lo'ak rolls his eyes, kicking his brother off of him and standing up, Neteyam doing the same, giving his brother a look that says 'do it, I dare you'. Of course, Lo'ak does, running to his brother and tackling him to the ground again, laughter filling the air as they are rowdy with eachother.

"You can't just say you're mated and then not tell me the details! Wait! Wait! Does that mean you had sex too!?" Neteyam asks, letting go of his brother for a second to see his expression.

When his brother just looks away, Neteyam gasps, looking to Esmyrie for comfirmation.

"No fucking way! Dad is so going to kill you!" Neteyam laughs out, pushing Lo'ak off of him, and standing up.

Once he is up he gives his brother a hand, helping Lo'ak stand as well. Once his brother is up, Neteyam looks over him to see if he has any injuries, it's okay to fight and play but he doesn't want to injury him. When it sees no bruises he gives Lo'ak a nod, before turning over to the girl.

"You mated with my silly little brother?!" Neteyam asks, still in disbelief.

"Yes, silly." Esmyrie says, a smiling forming on her face from his surprised expression.

Act like everything is okay, play the part that everything is fine. Bottle it all up.

"You know, when dad told me to go searching for you two, I was expecting one of you to be dead or something, not you two mated!" Neteyam says, turning to his brother and giving him kissy faces. "I can't wait to tell Kiri and Tuk, Tuk won't shutup about it for a year." Neteyam teases.

"Oh shutup! And you won't tell Tuk, please. I don't need her singing about me and Esmyrie smooching every five minutes."

"Alright fine. I'll stop teasing you about it, for now."

"Thank goodness." Lo'ak says, shaking his head that has some sand in it, before walking back over to Esmyrie, moving to hold her hand in his.

She's here, Neteyam is here. They are both safe. It's okay, Eywa hasn't taken them from you yet.

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