Chapter 31

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        Why didn't I want to answer any of the question? I could tell them the culprit was a psychopathic cannibal. Grey skin and fangs. Black holes for eyes. Carved out the kidneys of his victims to eat them. Incredible knowledge about medicine and psychology. Enjoys torturing his victims mentally, playing with them to intimidate them. But was that really all he was? He was smart. Sometimes he seemed genuinely worried about me. No, I was just imagining that. He was never worried about me. He just kept me in good shape to play around with me. He only asked me so much about my past to find new ways to torture me. He didn't care about my feelings. I was just another victim to him. He deserved to rot in jail.

"I'm sorry, I feel very exhausted. I just want to sleep." Why didn't I answer? Why didn't I tell them about the house? Why didn't I tell them who he was? The police officers looked disappointed.

"Alright. But please visit the police station as soon as you get released from the hospital." They looked at me earnestly and I nodded. I looked at Alex again who gave me a worried look. I smiled slightly at him to signal that I was fine before slowly closing my eyes and sighing. I didn't lie about being exhausted. This whole situation was just a lot to take in.


Since I didn't really have any physical injuries, I was released from the hospital just a day later after the doctor ran a few more checks, making sure they didn't miss anything. Alex' family came to pick me up and bring me to their house. They didn't say much or ask anything, probably trying to be considerate but their worried gaze through the rearview mirror pierced through me the entire ride home while I was trying to relax in the backseat of their car. Seemed like it wasn't time to return to normal completely yet. I'd probably have to deal with this look of pity for quite a while since I was publicly just a kidnapping victim whose whole family has been murdered. I sighed. I wished people would just forget about it. And I wished I could just forget about it. But I still had to visit the police station. I was going to procrastinate with that task as much as possible. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to police about everything. I wasn't in the mood to talk about Jack. It was just traumatizing. That was the only reason. Nothing else. I just didn't want to relive that trauma. That was it.

Arriving at their house, Alex led me straight to their guest room while his mother started cooking some lunch in the kitchen. I was pretty hungry so I was thankful for that. The guest room was nice and clean, yet it lacked any kind of personal touch. "I'm sorry we couldn't bring any of your personal stuff yet. Your house is, uh, still kinda a crime scene so it'll take a bit until they'll let us get all your clothes and stuff. Oh, we can go buy some stuff you need for now later. And you can borrow some shirts from me if you want until you get all of your stuff." Alex awkwardly mumbled while scratching his head.

"Thanks. Sorry to cause so much trouble."

"Oh, not at all! It's fine, really. Most important thing is to get you back on track. And as soon as they catch that guy you won't have to worry about anything anymore." He gave me a reassuring smile. Right. I won't have to worry. They just have to catch Jack. I just have to tell them everything I know. "I'll leave you now so you can rest a bit more until lunch is ready. You know, my room is right next door so just come in whenever you need something." I nodded and he left the room, closing the door behind him. I looked around the room once more before walking over to the bed and letting myself just fall right into it. The mattress was soft. There was no old wood creaking. It was so much more comfortable than what I had the past few weeks. It felt like clouds compared to that old dusty bed in Jack's house or that small couch. I wasn't chained to anything either. And I didn't have to scrub blood stains out of clothes anymore. I buried my face in the pillows and decided to just nap until I could grab something to eat.

And yet, I couldn't seem to fall asleep properly despite my exhaustion. Jack just wouldn't leave my mind. I wondered what he was doing. He was so badly hurt that night, did he die from his injuries? No, he was so into medicine, he probably fixed up all his wounds in no time. He didn't catch up to me while I was running away though, so he definitely was more hurt than whenI stabbed him back then. But he probably recovered more or less by now. If he really did though, was he after me now? Was he scared I'd tell the police everything about his whereabouts? Was he going to try and prevent that? Or was he maybe trying to get away and leave as quickly as possible to look for a different place to commit all his murders? What was he doing right now? All of these questions made me worried. I still had to be scared of him. I should pay a visit to the police as quickly as possible so they can go arrest him. Only then I could really rest.

My head started to hurt again. I should stop thinking about him so much. But how could I do that? There was a psychopathic cannibal out there potentially wanting to hurt me or even kill me. He never really seriously injured me the whole time I was with him though. Would he do it now? Yes, he would. Surely. My mind was racing. I felt panic rise up inside me. I wasn't safe yet. I decided to go to the police station right after eating some lunch.

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