Chapter 8

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        While I was crying about missing my old life, I heard the door unlocking and creaking open before my masked kidnapper entered the room. Seemed like it was time for new food and new bandages. He looked at the untouched soup from yesterday before placing a new, steaming bowl of some other soup next to it. He then placed his first aid kit on the bed next to me and sat down on the edge of the bed. He looked at me without saying anything. I knew he wanted me to sit up to get better access to my wounds.

Reluctantly, I sat up, wiped my face with the sleeves of my shirt to get the tears off and hung my head not wanting to look at him. He started undoing the bandages on my head, grabbing my chin and turning it to the side to get a better look of the back of my head. He cleaned the wound a bit and places the new bandages. He then grabbed my hand and did the same there. I took a quick glance at my palm as he was undoing the bandages. It seemed to be somewhat healing but still looked bloody and kinda disgusting.

He packed everything up again and closed his first aid kit before bending down to take the old soup from yesterday. As he was bending down and getting up from the bed I noticed he put his arm on the side of his stomach like he was somehow supporting or protecting the area. Watching that I remembered something. When we fought in my house that night, I took a knife and stabbed him somewhere around that area. It must still kinda hurt, it definitely didn't heal that quickly. I think I stabbed the knife in quite a bit before he tackled me to the ground. An idea plopped up in my head.

"I need to use the bathroom." I said, looking up at him. He looked at me for a second before giving a quick nod. He left the room, I assume to bring the first aid kit and bowl somewhere else so he'd have his hands free before returning with the key to my chains. He opened the locks on my legs and wrists. He took a step back to let me get up from the bed. Looking at the bowl placed on the floor next to my bed, I pretended to trip a bit while getting up and fell on the ground. While kneeling on the wooden flooring I quickly grabbed the spoon with my uninjured hand from the bowl while he went to grab my shoulders and pick me up from the ground. I turned around quickly, jammed the spoon into the same area I stabbed before, catching him off guard. I jumped up to my feet and took off through the open door while stumbled back a few steps holding his stomach. The spoon wasn't exactly sharp enough to stab him but having a blunt object jammed into an open wound hopefully still hurt enough to give me a few seconds to run without him chasing me.

Luckily, the house wasn't very big. So even though I've only seen 2 rooms of it, it wasn't hard to figure out where to run to. After leaving my room, looking to the left I only saw a closed door. To my right the hallway led to an open room, I assumed some kinda living room. I ran towards it, confirming it was indeed a living room. I looked around and saw a door leading outside and prayed it wasn't locked as I was running towards it. Turning the doorknob it seemed luck was on my side and I sprinted out slamming the door behind me in an attempt to slow him down a little bit more.

While I was running I noticed I definitely was quite a bit slower than usual. I spent the whole day laying in bed for several days in a row. The muscles in my legs felt weak and my legs were very wobbly as I tried to move them as quickly as possible. Feeling them slightly give in under my weight with every step I thought maybe it was a better idea to find a spot to hide in instead of running. But where? How? I thought hard looking around. The only thing I saw around me was a bunch of trees. Suddenly, I remembered something. When I was on my walks through the forest I really liked to climb up on trees and sit in the crowns reading a book or something. I just had to find a tree I could climb very quickly before the masked maniac got up and caught up to me. I spinned around scanning the trees around me for something high enough but with enough branches to hold onto to get up.

As soon as I spotted something good enough I forced my wobbly legs to run and jump up to grab a rather low branch I could hold onto to pull myself up and climb further. I heard the door to the house open and looked back, seeing him look around searching for me while still holding his stomach. To my luck, he didn't immediately spot me, giving me enough time to climb up until the branches and leaves of the tree covered me up. Grabbing onto the wood with my injured hand nearly made me scream but I held my breath and tried to use every piece of adrenaline in my blood to swallow the pain for the moment until I was moderately safe.

Sitting on a branch somewhere in the crown of the tree, I held onto the tree with my good hand trying to stabilize myself in my panic mode while dropping my bad hand into my lap. I could see blood seeping through the bandages on my hand. It was agonizingly painful and I felt tears welling up once again. I looked down at the ground. The tree wasn't too tall but judging from what I could see, falling down from the where I was sitting would probably still break many bones if not kill me. But either way, falling down or getting caught by him, I'd die anyway so the height of this tree wasn't exactly my biggest concern. I often did this anyway so height didn't scare me that much.

Trying not to sob from pain or make any noise at all I watched that blue mask still stumbling around between the trees looking around frantically. He didn't seem to be looking up on the trees. He probably didn't expect me to climb up anywhere. Good for me. He was clearly getting a bit frustrated already before he abruptly stopped moving around and just stood still like he was trying to compose himself and take a deep breath instead. He turned his head down, looking at the ground. Is he looking for footprints? I still was only wearing socks since I never got any chance to put on shoes. I hoped with just my socks I wouldn't leave any clear footprints but unfortunately, he seemed to have found something as he started slowly walking straight into my direction. Holding my breath I watched him look around as he was stepping closer to the tree I was sitting in until he was pretty much right below me. I watched him suddenly get very interested in the low branches of my tree and glanced at my bleeding hand again. Shit, did I bleed on the branches? Did he see the blood on there? I could feel my heart beating like it was trying to leave my body as I looked down towards my kidnapper. He touched some of the branches.

Suddenly, he tilted his head up, looking right at where I'm sitting above his head. Our eyes met.

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora