Chapter 13

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        When I was done showering and brushing my teeth, I felt like a little weight was lifted from my chest. Somehow I felt more like a person again. Man, the impact a good shower can have. Clean body, clean mind! I thought to myself, slightly smiling for a second before turning to the door and knocking and it. "I'm done." I heard the door getting unlocked and Jack opened it up to let me step outside. He lightly grabbed my arm to lead me back into my room where he reapplied bandages on my injured hand. I also noticed he seemed to have brought a new bowl of food and placed it next to my bed while I was in the bathroom. When he was done tending to me hand he got up to leave again, however he turned to look at me instead of leaving the room. "Do you need anything?" He asked. Noticing my confusion, which seemed to be my favorite mood lately, he continued. "More books? Some special food? Other soaps or something?" Was he trying to be nice?

"Uhm, I guess a change of clothes would be nice?" I carefully said, making it sound more like a question than an answer. He slowly nodded and stared at me for a few more seconds, probably waiting for me to add something to it. As weirded out as I was, I couldn't think of any more items I'd need. Especially since I planned to leave anyway soon. I suppose I wouldn't need a change of clothes then either. But I spoke before I even really thought about it. I was still determined to go through with my plan when he went to sleep though.

Jack left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts again. I decided to take a nap until evening to make sure I was awake and ready very early in the morning the next day.


I woke up a while later. I yawned as I stretched out on my bed, turning on my side and starting to wrap myself up in the comfort of my warm blanket again before I suddenly jumped up from my bed. What time is it? Where's Jack? Worried I could've possibly missed my chance to execute my escape plan, I got up from the bed to move to the window to try and figure out what time it was. It was kinda dark outside. At first, I wasn't sure if the sun was just setting or rising. From looking out the window I decided it was most likely sunrise. Or shortly before sunrise. I didn't plan on sleeping through the entire night because I kinda wanted to to listen to when Jack left and came back. Now, I wasn't sure if he was already back home and sleeping or still gone doing whatever. Internally cursing myself for sleeping too long, I walked over to the door and pressed my ear to it in an attempt to listen for any kind of noise inside the house. And sure enough, I could hear the front door open and footsteps coming towards the hallway.

Apparently Jack just returned from his late night trip. I didn't want to think about it too much but he was probably going on killing sprees and eating some organs again. I felt kinda nauseous imagining him do this. I noticed the footsteps stopped near my room. Was he going to come in? Startled, I quickly but carefully, so I didn't make the old floorboards creak too much, I made my way over to my bed to lay down again. I figured for some reason it would be better to pretend to be still sleeping. Maybe he would get suspicious seeing me awake and would stay up longer instead of going to sleep.

I wrapped myself up in the blanket just in time while he was unlocking the door. I quickly shut my eyes and tried to breathe steadily and calmly. I listened to him enter the room and somehow moving around. I couldn't really make out where exactly he was going and what he was doing in my room. I only hoped he wasn't the kinda creep to watch me sleep. I mean he definitely was creepy. But watching me sleep was still a very weird thing to imagine him doing. I heard a light thud somewhere close to me like he just dropped something on the floor followed by his footsteps walking past me, presumably towards the door. A few more seconds of silence passed before I heard the door close and lock again.

I slowly opened my eyes but decided to stay in bed for a bit to make sure there was absolutely no noises coming from my room. Hopefully, he would just go to sleep soon. It occurred to me, that I probably didn't have any way to know for sure when he's asleep and I was wondering if maybe it was a stupid idea. Maybe escaping while he was gone would be much smarter. Escaping the house while he's gone, sure. But escaping the forest while he's gone? Problem. And it's no use if I just get lost in the dark and probably freeze or starve to death.

I stayed in bed for a while longer, making sure I didn't hear any noises from Jack before I slowly got up from my bed and made my way to the windows, taking very careful and slow steps to keep the creaking of the floorboards as quiet as possible. I opened the window the same way. Slowly and carefully. I couldn't avoid all creaks. It still made noises every now and then. Every time I heard a noise I stopped moving completely for a second, waiting to hear any kind of noises from Jack. When I was sure he wasn't moving towards me or anything I proceeded with my plan.

When I managed to get the window open just enough to squeeze myself outside, I carefully climbed over the windowsill and dropped down on the forest ground. Breathing in some fresh air I proceeded to carefully step away from the house, looking back to watch out for Jack potentially being out and catching sight of me. I walked carefully like that, occasionally turning around again until I was a good distance away from the house. I looked up to the trees trying to figure out if I could climb one easily to the top. Not because I was trying to hide, I learned my lesson. I just wanted to have a better view from above to maybe catch sight of a street or a town or something so I would know which direction to go in.

Most of the trees were very high up. I figured I wouldn't have to climb the tallest one. It would probably be enough to just get as high as possible without hurting myself and try to see something through the crowns of the taller trees. I just needed to know a general direction to run towards. Luckily, my hand didn't hurt too much anymore but I still tried to mainly grip and pull myself up with my other hand and support myself as much as possible with my feet. Without Jack being right behind me I could take some more time to climb and didn't have to rush.

I climbed high enough to roughly see some of my surroundings. As expected it was mostly just trees around me. However, I could see some lights in the distance. The sun wasn't fully up yet so it was still a little bit dark outside. That made it easier to see the headlights of some cars and othe rlights from a town nearby. Well, it seemed kinda far on foot but at least I knew where to go. I couldn't help but smile slightly, feeling like freedom was so close. My smile faded when I looked up at the sky however. It looked grey and intimidating. I was probably about to start raining soon.

Oh great, I really chose the best day to run around the forest without any shoes or even a jacket.

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