Chapter 2: Stranger

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Rani tumbled down, far into the outlands. She stood up quickly. Her eyes widened in horror. The outlands looked even scarier farther in.

Rani went walking around, trying to find her way out.

As she was walking, Rani heard the scraping of claws. She ran to find out what it was, but quickly stopped. Rani stared in horror. A Male lion with golden fur stood infront of her, chowing down on 4 gazelles. Blood was everwhere, even on his body. He looked up and saw her. The male licked his muzzle and approached her. Making bloody paw prints as he did.

Rani couldn't move. She was frozen to the ground. She watched as the male approached her. He amber gaze blazed through her.

He growled, "What are you doing here," He dug his razor sharp claws into the ground.

"I-I d-didn't m-mean t-to," Rani stampered. The male roared, "Stop mumbling." Rani trembled at the tone of his voice.

He looked around, and started pushing Rani somewhere, "Let go of me!" Rani flailed around. He growled at her. Rani shut up. He brought her into a cave. He looked out, then moved a Boulder infront. Only a small crack at the top gave light.

"Why did you bring me here!" Rani asked, still trembling. "Shut up!" He growled. He put his paw over her mouth. Rani bit his paw. He roared and pinned her down.

"I thought you said be quiet," Rani mocked. The males ears perked up. He got off Rani. He stood still, moved his ears, listening.

Rani was confused. "What are you doing?" She asked. The male didn't answer. His tail twitched back and forth in annoyance.

Rani noticed she was annoying him. Before she could ask another question, the male ran up to her, and covered her mouth again, "Be quiet if you don't want to get caught." Rani listened for something but couldn't hear anything.

She moved his paw from her mouth, "I don't hear anything." "Shhh!" Suddenly, Rani heard pawsteps and growling on the outside.

"Where is she. I can smell her hear," They growled. Rani shut her mouth.

After a few minutes, the voices went away.

Rani turned to the male. She finally noticed the scar on his eye. "Who are you?" Rani asked. "Names Kion," Kion walked forward and moved the Boulder.

(Kion 17, Kion means, "Leader)

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(Kion 17, Kion means, "Leader)

"I'm Rani," Rani walked up to him.

Kion walked out. Rani followed him. "Why did you save me?" Rani asked. Kion twitched his tail in annoyance.

"Don't you have a home to go to. Like the Pridelands or the Tree Of Life," Kion growled.

"I do, but I don't know where to go," Rani replied. Kion stopped and turned to her, "How do you not know where to go!"

"I fell down here. I couldn't see where I was going," Rani sighed. "Course. Leave it to the privileged lions to be dumb," Kion rolled his eye's.

"I'm not dumb," Rani said confidently. "Oh yeah? Then go back to the Tree Of Life," Kion smirked. "I-I uh," Rani blushed.

"You don't know where your going," Kion finished. Rani sighed. "Fine I'll help you," Kion replied.

"Why? Your a murderer," Rani looked up at him. "If I were, I would have killed you already," Kion smirked at her again.

"Then why didn't you?" Rani asked. Kion shrugged, "Didn't feel like it." Rani looked at him confused. He walked off. Rani ran up to him.

"Where are we going?" Rani asked. "Death," Kion replied coolly. Rani stopped, "What!" Kion cracked a smile, "I'm kidding. Can't you lionesses take a joke!" "Not when it involves death," Rani snarled.

"Ok," Kion shrugged. "Now where are we actually going?" Rani asked. "Let's go back in time and I'll tell you," Kion replied. "Huh?" Rani tipped her head to the side in confusion.

Kion groaned, "If you remembered our conversation 30 seconds ago, you would know that we are going to the tree Of Life. You know, your home!"

"Oh." Kion rolled his eye's, "Lionesses can never figure anything out." Rani growled. "Hey don't get feisty on me." "Then stop calling me dumb," Rani replied.

"I never said it directly.." Kion said. "Don't even hint about it," Rani looked ahead. But suddenly, a bunch of questions flowed into her mind...

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