The Letter

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Hi Lou,

140 words/letters can't describe what I'm feeling. You are my world, you and the boys made a whole new world to/for me. I'm very thankful for it. One Direction gave a new meaning to my life. I know in your eyes, I'm nothing but a to-die-hard-Directioner. In your eyes, I am nothing. But another fan. You're right at that, I'm just a fan. I'm a fan of yours.

Honestly, I don't know where this letter is going, because sure as Poseidon I'm not good at making one. I'm just typing every thought I have of you and the boys.

One Direction makes me happy. You make me happy. The boys makes me happy.

I'm honest to God that I'm thankful for having you and the boys present. You and the boys made me live my life for a moment.

I don't know what I was thinking that time. All I was feeling was hurt. Nothing could mend it. Then you guys showed up, I know I shouldn't be giving you all this crap because there must be other girls who felt the same way as me. If not, worse.

Thank you very much for everything you did. Everything One Direction did. Even you didn't know what you've done, you're aware what others felt now.

I'm happy to say this out loud now that One Direction changed my life.


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