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Start from the beginning

Curiosity got the better of you as you navigated towards the noise.

Each step you took, you felt your body burning, the same pain when you acted out of your 'role'. It was clear something did not want you to go there, but you could give less of a fuck.

You could feel the invisible strings tugging you hard, wanting to pull you away from approaching the terrified screams. You felt your skin stretched from where the strings were attached, slowly ripping away from your body.

You had to bite down your lower lip to prevent yourself from screaming. Tears fell down your face as you felt parts of your skin was torn apart, blood running down your arms and legs. However, the strings were stubborn, grabbing onto new areas of your body— trying to control you again.

However, you did not care of the pain. You felt as if you wanted to...save the people that were suffering inside the abandoned neighbourhood.

You had found the location of the people. There were flickering lights inside a window of one of the houses. As you got closer to the window, you heard another set of voices, and shuffling from inside the room.

Your movement was starting to slow from the pain you were enduring just for this, but you had to move forward, you were already this far— it was either another death approaching or saving the lives of people you do not even know.

You were losing blood as you peeked over the window, but seeing what was behind it made you scared shitless.

There was a man, strapped down to the table as he was being cut alive by a crazy doctor. The latter had green hair, and he was smiling maniacally while the former struggled from his binds.

There were two more, a blond tied up with a white gag on his mouth, shedding tears as the black haired man was being chopped into pieces. The other wore a suit, and was holding a video camera, recording the horrifying experiment the doctor was performing.

Your stomach dropped once realisation sat in. You knew who those people are.

Fear ran through you as you cantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemitstoodifficultforyoucantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemdoyouevenhavea

"Hmm? What's going on?" you heard the crazed doctor stopped his torture.

You heard the door bang open, and chaos erupted from within. You heard more screams, this time from the suited man and the green-haired doctor. You hid under the window as you listened to what was happening.

It sounded like bodies were being ripped apart, pleads for mercy to whoever was doing this. More importantly, it felt like...you were there, beating the two down and saving the other two that were caught in this unfortunate situation.

After a while, it went silent. There were sniffles coming from the inside. You got up from your position, eyes settling on the one that had murdered the two crazies.

From inside, the room was covered in blood. Body parts littered across the floor, cut up like they were steaks. You saw the heads of the murderers— their last expressions being terrified as they got brutally murdered by a creature that floated above them.

You saw that there were mold growing on the body parts, and you gagged from the sight of it.

Your pupils dilated as you looked at the creature. It was a jellyfish, a huge one, floating about idly. It was glowing in the dark room, emitting a serene aura for the other two that were alive— safe from the suited man and the doctor.

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐀 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁 | 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐨Where stories live. Discover now