♤Rules should be followed♤

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The two women sat overlooking the Beach, on Mira's balcony. Akira was given a cup of tea which she took gratefully. "So, what questions do you have, my love?" Mira looked at her, waiting for the many questions locked inside Akira's brain.

"Will you kill me if I fail the game?" She had thought long about this. If she couldn't stop her friends from completing the game like she was supposed to, would she be killed like the other dealers? Mira shook her head slightly, "It depends on what you do my Bird."

Akira nodded and sipped from the China cup in her hand. "How do I guarantee that Chishiya and the others are at the game venue?" "You are at the venue already." Akira's eyes widened in shock, "How?" "It is easy to do my love, don't worry about it." Akira nodded.

"When will the game start?" Akira knew all the cards had been collected except the 10 of Hearts. She knew Hatter was keen on finding it since that would mean he had everything he needed to go home.

"Everything will fall into place, just make sure to keep everyone's trust." She nodded and stood up. "On that note, I must go now." Akira walked away towards the roof of the building, a place she hadn't yet visited.

It was beautiful at night, you could see every star in the sky. She lay on the edge, relaxed in the soft wind. The door to the roof opened quietly causing Akira to slightly open her eyes, seeing a man in white walking towards her. She shut her eyes again and ignored him until he was beside her.

"Hey Chishiya, what's happening?" "Nothing much, little bird." She sat up sharply, staring at the man. He grinned and sat beside her silently, looking out into the darkness.

"Don't call me that." "I'm sorry, does it hurt to bring back memories of your boyfriend? Or is it because of Mira?" "Mira has nothing to do with it." Chishiya scoffed in response, staring at her. "Bullshit."

Akira glared at him before standing up. "If that's all you're here to do, I have better ways to spend my night." She turned before stopping, Chishiya's hand wrapped around her wrist, pulling her back to him.

"What aren't you telling me Akira?" He pulled her close until they were at eye level. "I've told you everything." "So why are you so defensive?" She sighed and sat beside him, dangling her legs over the side.

"What happened, Kira?" "I like the nickname." He let out a sound of annoyance. "You're avoiding the question!" "I am." She shivered and pulled the borrowed jumper closer to her. "What do you notice, Chishiya?"

He thought for a moment looking around the empty world. "I'm being lied to." "Hatter hasn't returned from his game." "Did you expect something different?" She sighed and moved closer to Chishiya. "Can you see any game arenas?" He looked out to see a dark world, which should have been lit up by the lights of the games.

"There aren't any games happening." She rested her head on his shoulder, yawning tiredly. "That's right. For once nothing is happening." "Something is happening, Akira." She shut her eyes. "Please Chishiya, don't hurt my friends. They are all I have."

Fuck me, my neck is in hell. Opening her eyes Akira was blinded by the sun above her. "What the hell?" She sat up to find she wasn't in her room, but still on the roof of the Beach. She looked down and saw partying people below her, and a car driving back to the Beach.

She turned and saw a white hoodie underneath her head. She grabbed it quickly and walked to the door in search of its owner. "Akira!" Turning her head, she saw Tatta running towards her.

"Tatta, how are you?" He nodded frantically. "I'm okay, but you need to come quickly!" "What's wrong?" "I don't know, the executives want you." She nodded and walked quickly to the meeting room, Tatta following behind her.

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