♧Tag was worse in school♧

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The three walked in awkward silence, whenever Arisu would open his mouth to talk Karube would shake his head. As much as curiosity killed the cat, Akira felt that she would die in this weird world without the knowledge that the two men kept from her.

"Okay, I can tell that you don't want me to know something but I know that you are playing a game. So you tell me and I won't hang around you during the game?"

Karube thought about her offer and finally nodded to Arisu who sighed gratefully. Turning to Akira, causing him to walk backwards he started to speak. "We have only been here for two days, we so far have only seen two people during a game." Akira opened her mouth to speak but thought against it.

"The games are deadly and will kill you if you lose or leave the game area. At the end of the game, you are given a certain number of days that you can still survive without playing."

"So we are going to play a game now." The two nodded at her. She nodded and continued to walk in silence. Karube looked at her in question, "You aren't freaking out?" "No, I just needed to know what I'm dealing with."

The trio arrived at a large apartment building that was lit up by electricity. "Did chota get burned in a game?" "Yes." Akira nodded and stopped as the two go to enter.

"Are you coming?" "Yes, but if I enter after you I will not be associated with you guys like you want." Karube nodded in agreement and pulled Arisu before he could argue. After a minute she entered alone and observed her surroundings.

A woman sat stretching her body on the floor, damn I should've paid more attention in P.E. Two men stood watching her, a monster of a man and a skimpy man next to him, why would they team up if not for betrayal? Skimpy can't do shit by himself.

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