"Come on. We should probably get you to the urgent care." Nikki began to sit up holding a hand for her lover, "you said it wasn't bad." He brought his hand to his lips while the other grabs onto Nikki's.

"I was just comfortable, and I didn't wanna get up."

Her saying that made my eyebrows furrow, that was kinda messed up. They walked out of the basement and Leia's breakdown started again.

"Oh, my god. I'm at the mall throwing myself at randos. Meanwhile, they're making out so much, his lips revolted." She sat down on the couch while freaking out, "what's wrong with me!? Doesn't anyone wanna lick these $2,000 teeth?"

That was a lot, I didn't know it meant that much to her. I didn't think it was important in general until it happened but still, I feel like it should come naturally for her.

Gwen sits down next to her but I still stand near the chair Ozzie was sitting at that's near the door. "Well, there is another idea, but I didn't wanna bring it up because it feels kinda weird and desperate." Another idea? What else could she do that seems weird and desperate?

"You could kiss Jay."

After those words left her lips my heart sank. She's not serious? I look away from everyone, I know none of them know what happened but the thought of them together didn't feel right.

"He's cute. He's always flirting with you. Plus he's a Kelso." Gwen spoke looking at Leia but glanced at me after saying the last part.

"So? What does that mean?" Leia not getting the hint asked.

"He's a man-whore." I bluntly state while looking outside.

"Yeah, Aurora hates him she's made that clear to us," Ozzie says but something in his voice was different than usual. "Hate? But you guys seem to be really friendly?" I finally looked up at the girl.

"It's complicated. Anyway, I'm gonna go. See you guys tomorrow." I head to the door and when I was about to close it the last thing I heard was, "is it something I said?"


I've been walking home for a while just thinking. The stars looked beautiful tonight and I swear I could see Venus somewhere along the way.

It was a nice night but my thoughts wouldn't let it be pleasant.

Did I do something to deserve this? The one time I let my guard down I should have known better. What would happen if Jay and Leia did ever get together? Does he even feel something for me? Or even her?

The frustration started to build up driving me to start kicking a rock while I was walking. I really hate this. It's so stupid but it's taking up my whole mind.


My vision went from the rock to the man I'd been dreading.


He stops in front of me making me seize my steps. "Are you just heading back from the mall?" The questions lingered in my mind from before.

"Yeah." I nod at him before crossing my arms over my chest. "What are you doing out?"

"I thought the group was going bowling Leia called me to head over."

No one told me we were going bowling. Ouch. Wait, it's too late for bowling anyway plus they were still talking about the kiss plan when I left. They were talking about Jay.

Quickly realizing what was happening my eyes widen slightly. "Ro? What's wrong?" I blink my eyes trying to seem like I didn't know what was gonna happen.

"Oh nothing, I just didn't know we were going bowling they must have thought about it when I left, I'm not in the mood for it anyway." I quickly responded trying to seem subtle.

"I should head home now, see you later." I move around the boy not letting him get a word in but before I left he grabs my elbow making me turn around, "Why the rush? Aurora seriously are you okay?" The look on his face was full of worry but I couldn't look at him I refused to.

"I'm just tired, I'm alright." I nod at him. "Okay, I'll see you soon then?" He questions before putting his hands in his pocket.

"Yeah, yeah." I nod and turn around, "Goodnight Ro."


The whole encounter seemed awkward because of me, but I could care less. I just wanted to be home, especially knowing what was about happen.

Once I did make home I quickly showered and hopped in bed. If I could get the thoughts out of my head quickly by sleeping, I would do it by any means necessary even if that meant putting some music on so I can sleep faster.

I know it's not bad but it's not something I was used to. before I slept I grabbed my paper and started drawing.

Next thing you know I had fallen into slumber with my music playing and my paper scattered around my bed.

Not the best sight in mind.


It's the next day and I'm sitting in the food court once again but with Gwen, Leia, Ozzie, and Gwen's mom.

"I still can't believe Jay didn't kiss you."

Once I found out that happened I actually thought maybe he was okay. Not the best but enough, enough for me.

"It's so weird. Even though things didn't turn out as I wanted, I'm not worried." Leia spoke, "I'm kinda excited for what's next, you know?"

"I so do." Gwen's mom adds in and she seemed to look happier than normal making me let out a grin, "I just feel like a brand-new woman. I can't wait to see what's on the horizon for me-" the thought of her feeling great makes me wonder what's she's been up to.

"Mom. Thanks for the ride, but could you go get your groove back somewhere else?"

"Okay, Okay. I'll go find myself at Contempo Casual." she gets up and mumbles but I heard her so I let out a snicker.

"So what's the plan? Just wait around for Jay?" Why is he always in our conversation it's making me annoyed now.

"If he wanted me to wait around for him, he shouldn't have told me how cute and smart and interesting I am." Wait I did not hear this part of the story.

"You dork. I've been telling you all along how awesome you are, but it took some guy to say it for it all to sink in." Gwen told the truth.

"No... yeah that's what happened." The girl finally concluded.

I look around the food court and notice the boy who was on shift yesterday was here today too. "Whatever. I like the new confident Leia."

"Me too. Actually, I'll be right back." Leia gets up and puts a lot of mints in her mouth before walking over to the guy I noticed just before.

Once she made her way to him she grabs his shoulders and turns him around, then pulled him in for a kiss.

It was kinda uncomfortable to watch since the boy seemed terrified. I feel bad, isn't this basically harassment? I am happy for Leia but see this is kinda weird.

The proud girl made her way back over to us and the rest of us got up. Gwen and Leia gave each other a high face while we all head our way out.

Just us // Jay KelsoМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя