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When you stare at your crush, you don't always like them for the little things they aren't aware of. For instance when they burst out laughing or make weird faces, or make up funny dances in the kitchen. How they might act around little kids or the simple move of them pushing their hair out of their face. They don't realize any of these things because to them they are just regular things. Remember it's the same with you. You see, people watch you and they notice all of your great and bizarre qualities that you never seemed to notice before because you don't see you the way others can. When you tell yourself that you are not beautiful, how can you say that? How can you be the one to judge yourself when you're not the one who sees yourself everyday. You don't see yourself laughing, or acting weird. And to someone, you might just be their definition of perfect

All The Things I've Never Said Before - Part 5Where stories live. Discover now