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Nothing will protect her like patience, she won't get her hopes up. She doesn't let her fears speak too loud, and she won't give the doubts you have the time of day. Not everyone is built this way, to handle all these rough times but don't be surprised when you start to fall for certain people. Very few will understand what this means to really be there in times for those who really need it. The roughest part about all of this is the beginning of the journey, you will realize that the first ones to enter the ride will be the first to fall off. They will make all the promises in the world while the sun shines but will make up the first excuse the second they see a storm is coming. Which brings me to rain, it will wash away everything that isn't necessary in your life, the hard truth and reality to it all is to just be genuine and sincere and have the courage to be overlooked. People don't want what's real anymore. All they want is to have reasons to complain and have excuses they can avoid. So having a thing that's good can be so tenacious because it means meeting a person who's so strong and finding someone that strong is rare. I have learned in this life to respect those who choose to run away from me and understand that the kind of love I have isn't for everybody and I'm learning to be at peace with that

All The Things I've Never Said Before - Part 5Where stories live. Discover now