"What about you" Ron says turning to George.

"Aurora Nova Potter would you do me the honour of going to the ball with me" he says in a dramatic way.

"Of course I would" I smile at him as he sends me a wink. Fred got to his feet, yawning, and said,
"We'd better go use Phoenix then, George, come on" They left as I headed up to my dorm. I grab the mirror from my trunk as well as the enchanted parchment. I prop the mirror up so I don't have to hold it whilst also sending Charlie a quick note.

Hey Charlie

He doesn't reply so I assume he's at work as I call for Moony and pads.

"Moony, Pads, Moony, Pads" I keep repeating it before smiling innocently as they appear.

"Is something wrong" Moony says looking at me closely.

"No I just wanted to talk to you both" Moony rolls his eyes as Pads smirks.

"What's up wolf" Moony asks.

"Why do you think somethings up" I tilt my head to the side slightly at him.

"Whenever somethings bothering you, you get this look in your eyes"

"Your mum was the same" Pads adds whilst Moony nods before speaking again.

"So what's going on"

"I'm assuming you've heard about the Yule Ball?" They both nod. "I don't want to go so can I come to you for Christmas" Moony furrows his eyebrows.

"Why not wolf it'll be fun. You can enjoy yourself with your friends"

"I think I can guess what this is about" Pads says "it's the scar isn't it" I nod "you listen here little wolf, you're beautiful with or without that scar and everyone that matters loves you regardless"

"But Pads it's usually at least half hidden if not more" I notice Moonys face "Moony I know that look stop. It's not your fault"

"It is though Rory, it's my fault you don't want to go to the ball because I did that"

"What can I do to make you feel better Moony" I ask.

"Go to that ball"

"Fine I'll go" they both smile at me. "You two are pains you know that right"

"Yep. Anyway how's school" Moony asks as Pads groans.

"It's good, haven't had a detention in a while more because I'm good at getting away with things. May have ended up with a hangover after the first task as well" Pads smirks as Moony glares.

"Aurora Nova Potter you should not be drinking"

"Relax Moony I won't be doing it again for a while the hangover was awful"

"Anymore nightmares" Pads asks his face concerned again.

"Not as frequently"

"That's good. Anyway sweetheart we've got to get going. We'll talk later okay" Moony says.

"Your dress for the ball will be coming with your Christmas Present. Bye little wolf" I look at him but he just shrugs.

"Bye guys" they both wave before disappearing. Glancing down I notice Charlie's replied.

Hey beautiful how are you? Hows classes going?

I'm fine and classes are as boring as always. How's work?

He doesn't take long to answer this time.

Quite boring today wasn't much to do just check all the dragons were okay. Heard about the Yule Ball you excited?

Not really

Why not Nova? What's going on?

The thoughts of a dress and not being able to hide is what's going on Charlie. I live in leather jackets and a hoody

Scar or no scar you will look beautiful it doesn't matter what other people think

Pads and Moony said the same thing

So listen to them then and listen to me

I love you Charlie Weasley did you know that

I did and I love you

Oh would you mind if I went on a date with the giant squid. George reckons you'll be fine with it

Wow you and my brother are weird

Words hurt Charles Weatherby. I think I will date the squid I'll even see if he's got a friend for George

Why is it whenever I'm mean I'm Charles Weatherby

Would you rather I call you something like Pillock

Nope Charles Weatherby is fine thanks. What you doing?

I'm meeting the twins soon to go be angels to filch

You three angels I don't think so

You wound me Charlie you really do I'm the biggest angel there is

And I'm a girl

Well I mean you could be haven't personally checked

That can be arranged darling next time I see you

I'm counting down the days. But seriously when are you around again I miss you George and Fred's hugs just aren't the same

I'm not sure but you can always come here next summer. Get a feel for the place decide whether you'd want to be a healer here or not

I'll have to ask Moony. Seeing as I've still got a year left I'm going to be living with him and Pads with Harry

Let me know what he says

He doesn't know about us yet so that'll be a fun chat as well

Rather you than me, I'll just have mum to tell

Your mum loves me so that's easy for you I have Moony and Pads to tell you might want to hide when I do one spent 12 years in Azkaban the others a werewolf. It was nice knowing you

Just remember I love you and don't mourn me to much

Don't worry I'll protect you from the big bad wolf

So you should it's your uncle and godfather

Just for that comment I won't now. Anyway I've got to go meet your brothers got some important stuff to get done

What are you three up to this time

Nothing for you to worry that pretty head about but if we get expelled we'll be hiding at yours

Please don't get expelled mum will kill all three of you

Good point we won't get expelled. I'll talk to you later. Love you Charlie

Love you too Nova

I place the parchment back in my trunk and go find Fred, George and Lee to complete our pranking plans which did end up resulting in a nice detention with Filch.

In love with a Weasley (Charlie Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now