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While Susan sat in her place, she saw Steve's picture hanging on the wall and strayed in the past, as her father was messing around He did not leave a girl or a woman until he married a cunning snake, and the days passed, and when she fell prey to a scoundrel who looked like him When he discovered the matter, she was carrying the fruits of her sin in her womb, but he did not see him in front of him, and he beat her until she lost consciousness and her fetus.

This had a negative effect on her womb, and he remained sad and did not know how to get rid of this disaster until his wife advised him with a terrible trick.

Where he claimed the disease and that he was on the brink of death, and he feared for his daughter from the boys, as she had no knowledge of their deception. Likewise, her little brother could not protect her.

So what was his kind brother except to marry her to his only son, Steve, and Steve did not object, so he had no one to ignite his heart, as his preoccupation was his work only Despite the attempts of many girls to get close to him, he never cared about them and agreed to the one called Susan only for the sake of his father.

It will also be a relief for his father, who no longer has the ability to work, so he stayed at home and needs his son and grandchildren, because Steve's mother is deceased and he has no brothers.

Immediately after the marriage took place, Suzanne's parents traveled under the pretext of treatment. In fact, they traveled to escape confrontation.

Likewise, his brother will not allow Steve to divorce her in the absence of her parents. Traveling is an excellent solution. They will be absent for two months, then they will return, faking the shock and divorce.

Thus, they escape from all the consequences, and their daughter will not be exposed, as her divorce after two months is somewhat acceptable than her divorce on her wedding day.

While Steve almost killed her when the truth struck him, had it not been for his father, who hardly prevented him, while Susan claimed that she had been raped.

And that her parents forced her to keep it secret, and threatened to kill her as well, so as not to cause a scandal in the family, and that she never wanted to deceive him.

He could not do anything but wait for her parents to return from travel. Despite the presence of her brother, he is still a reckless young man who cannot take care of himself.

And her older sister is on a trip abroad with her husband, and they promise his safety until the return of their parents, who never returned.

The plane in which they returned fell into the depths of the ocean, and Steve received their bodies and buried them Steve's father could not bear the shock, so he fell dead and was buried the next day, and grief overwhelmed Steve's heart And he could not do anything about Susan, because the time was not appropriate at all, just as Haya and her brother became responsible to him, and a month did not pass before he was surprised by another disaster.

His dear uncle was indebted to many only, he was a failure in business and a waste of money, so all his possessions were sold to pay off the debt, and it was not enough, so Steve completed the rest of his own money And Susan and her brother lived in his shelter for several months until enough of her brother's actions was overflowing, so he did not leave his servant alone, so Steve decided to put an end to this recklessness and sent his older sister to take him.

But she disavowed him, so he had nothing but to buy him an apartment in which he would stay alone and assign him a job that he could coexist with from his salary, and Susan supported him in that Claiming that she was keen on his interest, but in fact she wanted to get rid of him so that everything would be hers alone Although Steve is still angry at her father's deception of him, he seeks an excuse for her being forced as she claimed, and her brother's actions will make him move away and lose him, and she did not find a replacement for him.

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