In a blink, Lucas's mouth was claiming hers hungrily, passionately and urgently.

She tried to fight him off as much as she could but her body had other plans and gave in to Lucas's control, like it always did.

He carried her up and wrapped her legs around his wait. She moaned his name as began trailing kisses down her neck.

"Baby Shh," he whispered in her ear as she unbuttoned his shirt.

He carried her towards her room and lay her on the bed as he worshipped every inch of her body, making love to her throughout the night.


I woke up when I felt my hair being stroked lightly. I was laying on a chest and I was sore. I looked up to face him.

"Morning," Lucas whispered slightly.

"Morning," My raspy voice even raspier.

After a moment of silence that felt like eternity, Lucas spoke, "About last night's conversation."

"If we are really doing this then let's do it right," I said, "because we can't forget about our problems, argue, have sex and make up."

"We can try to make this work," he said while stroking my hair. He knows I love that and it calms me down.

"If we have to try, YOU have to try harder. You've said this before. I'm tired if being the one to pull us together, it feels like I'm holding onto something that doesn't want to be held," I literally almost cracked.

"I am really, extremely sorry for cheating on you, but I'm not going to water dead plants," I said while sitting up.
I wasn't ready for this, I dreaded this so much because I love him. I love him so much, it hurt. But we can't keep hurting it other.

"Tesorina, I.. I'm so sorry, I didn't keep my promise of trying my nest go make you happy, to prevent tears in those eyes and to wipe them if needed," he said while sitting up next to me, "yet here I am causing them."

I turned to look at him and took in his features; those hazel brown eyes that always mesmerized me, his chiseled face and dark brown slightly wavy hair with some. The boyish grin he gave me every time he teased me about being almost a foot taller than me with his 6'3.

We looked at each other with mutual understanding.

"I hate this," I said while leaning my forehead on his, "I love you so much."

"And I love you tesorina, always," He whispered the last bit before kissing me slowly and sweetly and I let him. Pouring everything as I wrapped my arms around him and traced the tattoo on his back; a dragon scale yin and yang.
We had gone on a trip to Beijing when I saw it hanging in a shop and said it was my new favorite thing more than him. A few weeks later, I found the tattoo on his back.

"I guess I'll get going now," he said weakly as we pulled apart.

"I guess this is goodbye," I said, trying not to break down.

"I guess so Tesorina," he said then kissed my forehead. I'll never get over this gesture.

I held myself together as he got dressed and immediately after he left, I curled into a ball and broke down. That void feeling overflowed on me, I'd lost another important man in my life.
Anger. Hurt. Loneliness.

Memories. His scent. His belongings that I claimed.
I was a mess and I had myself to blame. No matter how hard I try, I'm always mess up.

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