♥Chapter: 3♥

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"Imani, you stay right here. When I come back, da-da will be here!"

"Da-da! Da-da!" She said happily.

I realized I was still in my bra and underwear but if I kept Tyrese waiting too long, he would beat me up. I couldn't let that happen.

"Open the door! Man you're so fucking slow!" I heard him yell and bang at the door.

"I'm coming! Damn!" I yelled as I ran to the front of the door. I quickly opened it up and Tyrese came in and shoved me down to the floor.

"You're so damn awfully slow!" He yelled.

"Stop yelling! Imani is here!"

"Why don't you stop yelling first!" He answered back.

"Why you always got to put the blame on me!?" I retorted.

"Because you're stupid and a useless broad!"

"How the fuck am I stupid and useless Tyrese? How! How?" I was pissed off. I was not a useless bitch. If he calls me that one more time, I'm going to slap him, I swear I will!

"Do I fucking have to tell you? Damn... where's your head!?"

"You're right Tyrese. You so right! I'm stupid because I'm still WITH YOU!" I threw a couch pillow at him.

He soon ran up to me and slapped so hard across the fast that I landed on the couch.

"Tyrese! STOP IT! STOP!"

He ran up to the couch where I laid crying my heart out and he started beating me up, punching me in the face and kicking me on the legs.

"STOP! STOP!" I screamed with all my might. I felt the heavy blows of his punches hit me two, four, six, eight, ten times and the kick of his heavy boots blow at my legs at least about a dozen times. This was who I am. At least, this was who I am to Tyrese. A person he can have sex with and a person he can beat up.

After about what seems eternity, he stopped beating me up and I laid on the couch with pain everywhere in my body crying hysterically.

"Why got to make me do this to you! You think I want to do this huh!? But I got to teach your dumbass mind to not talk to me like that!" He yelled.

"Why you doing this to me!? Why!?" I cried, choking with tears.

"Because you fucking made me! That's why!"

"You're so mean! Just get out! Get out!" I said as more tears traveled down my face.

"Camille... Stop it! Stop it!" He yelled.

"GET OUT! GET OUT! I HATE YOU!!" I screamed.

"Do you not know that!? Look what you did! Look!" I got up from the couch and started pointing to all the spots that hurt me the most from his fight with me.

"Camille... stop crying!"

"NO! Leave me alone!"

"Camille, stop crying!"

I couldn't even respond to him. I was to choke up in tears. Tyrese had no soul... He had no fucking soul! All he does is treat me like I'm a piece of trash! All the damn time! And I couldn't leave him because Imani needed him... I needed him. But he had to hurt me! He just had to!

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up at Tyrese who handed me a hot towel.

"Here... take this."

"Fuck you! I don't want you to help me ease my pain! You caused it! You caused it!"

"Camille, I'm sorry okay!?" He yelled.

I stared deeply at him and shook my head in disappointment.

Teenage Love Affair♥Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin