taking care

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Tanjiro  P.O.V

Three days passed and he returned to his apartment but I came with him and stay with him, I will take care of him, he's not allowed to move much. He lied on the couch and I feed Sunshine, Muichiro said she likes salmon, so I gave her some. He never wanna go back to school and it's okay, I understand him, I don't like this place, it would be cool if we move back to my old school. We could, I could talk with my parents about it, it would be a dream, if we could go back with Muichiro and Kanao. I noticed Muichiro fell asleep, I smiled and covered him with a blanket.

Kanao  P.O.V

I finally did it! I finally made my first step without any help! I spent so much time for that. ,,I did it! I did it! Are you proud of me?" My voice was raspy and I got tears of joy, ,,yes, I'm proud of you! I'm so happy to see you like that!" Shinobu also got tears of joy. Even though I did my first step without help, I still have struggle with physical therapy, I still can't feel a few parts of my body and I slowly get used to my right blind eye. I was so relieved and tired, I didn't slept much, maybe 2-3 hours every day. ,,can I finally sleep?" I asked relieved, ,,yes, take a break" she smiled and nodded, as she said, I fell asleep in her arms.

Muichiro  P.O.V

,,we should move to your old school?" I asked, ,,yeah it would be better, it's so nice there!" Tanjiro smiled. I have so much memories in this apartment, so much happened here, but maybe it would be better for me, if I forget all the negative things, ,,you're right, it would be better" I nodded. ,,then I could show you my old city!" He smiled, ,,yeah but we should talk with your parents and Shinobu" I said, ,,oh right, Shinobu won't say yes that easy, but Kanao could talk to her" he said. I'm kinda nervous, I'm lying on a couch and Tanjiro is sitting next to me, ,,I think it would be nice to forget the negative things" I smiled.
,,definitely" he smiled, suddenly the door bell rang, Tanjiro opened the door and there were his parents, they visited us.

,,we thought we could come over" his dad smiled, that's kind from them. ,,what a lovely apartment" his mom smiled, the apartment is beautiful but the memories are bad, I shouldn't say that now. ,,so how's your wounds?" His dad asked, ,,I'm not allowed to move much but at all, good" I answered, ,,I'm taking care of him and Sunshine!" Tanjiro smiled. Ah yes, I love his smile so much, it always makes my day, I could talk hours about his smile. ,,we talked about that we should move back to my old school" He smiled, ,,why that?" His dad asked confused, ,,because this would be better for us all, back in our old apartment, or apartment share with Kanao, me and Muichiro" he explained. ,,well it sounds good" his mother jerked with her shoulders, but I noticed she was a bit skeptic, and a another thing I noticed are my hair, I didn't brushed them for days. ,,I wish we could move there, I think it will be different against this" I said, ,,but we have to talk with Shinobu" he said,
,,who's that?" His dad asked confused,
,,that's Kanao's sister" he answered.

After a few minutes they said yes and now we have to ask Kanao and Shinobu, I think they will say yes. Then they has left and I slowly sat up, it was painful but I ignored it, I didn't moved much, so. ,,don't move!" Tanjiro said, ,,I didn't move much" I laughed a bit. ,,but I don't want you to move" he said, ,,yeah I know but can you give me a favor?" I asked, ,,of course, what can I do for you?" He smiled. ,,can you brush my hair? I didn't brush them for days" I smiled, ,,of course, where's your hair brush?" He asked, ,,in the bathroom, in the shelf next to the sink" I explained.

He got my hair brush and started brushing my hair, it was pretty painful but they have to be brushed.
,,sorry if it hurts" he appears, ,,don't mind it, they have to be brushed" I smiled, after a while my hair was finished, ,,your hair is so special" he smiled, ,,thank you, but what do you mean by special?" I blushed. ,,your hair is long, and I never saw this kind of hair of a boy, and I like the hair color" he smiled, ,,that's cute, thank you" I blushed, ,,of course and now rest" he smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

It already was 9 p.m and we started getting tired, but Tanjiro cooked before we go asleep, he cooked some noodles, my favorite ones. We started eating, Sunshine was already sleeping on my feet, we talked about the weather, it's going to be a rainy weather the next days, I love rainy weather, as we ate up we decided to go asleep, he lied down next to me and we covered ourselves with a blanket, we talked for a while, ,,should we invite Kanao tomorrow?" I smiled, ,,I think so, should we invite Shinobu too?" He smiled, ,,it would be smart then we could ask them to move with us" I smiled, ,,okay, I will invite them tomorrow" he smiled, ,,I hope they say yes" I smiled, ,,I think so, and if we move back, you can meet my old friends" he smiled and kissed my forehead. ,,I'm so tired, you know?" I yawned, ,,me too, so let's go asleep" he yawned, I slowly snuggled up on his chest and slowly fell asleep, I'm so happy that his parents said yes, now Kanao and Shinobu have to say yes.

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