Author's Note

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For the longest time, I've wanted to write in the superhero genre. It's such a fun idea with so much potential for drama and action! However, it is full of tropes that are rather hard to escape, and I've never been able to come up with and idea that breaks enough of them to satisfy me.

Until now.

Ladies and gentlemen, otherworldly beings and all in between, welcome to not only my first ONC novella, but action-based (ish) superhero story!

We've got memory loss, POV villain, world building, good and evil tensions, questionable morels, and tons of character development--all my favourite stuff :)

This novella uses prompt 5: Flip the coin and make a life choice with it. Two choices, one coin, and no turning back. Do you dare?

And prompt 6: Can we go back to the start when we were all strangers in the dark?

Excited? Me too. Let's get started!

 Let's get started!

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