eighteen. the badass seed

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chapter eighteenthe badass seed⎯⎯⎯⎯

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chapter eighteen
the badass seed

"Okay, start at the line about the stolen medal," Spencer said as she and the girls and Richie were sitting on the floor waiting for their auditions, Richie and Joise were just there for moral support. "Why isn't she wearing any shoes?" Hanna asked, looking at someone that  walked past them in her socks. "So she can look short and mature enough to play an eight year old," Spencer said as she rubbed her neck.

"What's my line?" Spencer asked Emily, rubbing her neck. "I don't see anything about a medal," Emily said, looking at the script in confusion. "It's what the eight year old killed her classmate for," Spencer explained as she leaned forward to show Emily. "the penmanship medal, that's why they called her The Bad Seed." Josie added as she lent in to Richie. "A penmanship medal? Really?" Hanna asked in disbelief. "Didn't you read the whole play?" Spencer asked as she looked from Hanna to Aria in shock.

"Don't look at me, Hanna is the one trying out." Aria said in defence of herself. "I'm just here to make her look taller." she said as she shot Hanna a look. "Why do I have to read the whole play?" Hanna asked, "I don't wanna be the Bad Seed's mother. I want to be the other mother, the one who is drunk all the time." Hanna said, causing Josie to laugh. "No comment." Spencer said with a smile. "Are you still ragging on me for bringing a flask to a dance?" Hanna asked.

"I don't need another parent, Spence. One's plenty." Hanna said as she looked towards Spencer. "Well has the one figured out that Caleb's in your basement?" Aria asked. "No, but A has," Hanna admitted, making them look at each other in worry as Richie rubbed Josie's arm in comfort. They knew he knew, now they didn't have to hide much, Aria had also let him in on Ezra. She knew she could trust him. "What are you gonna do?" Emily asked.

"I'm gonna tell my mom before A gets to her." Hanna said, "I'm just gonna ask her if Caleb can stay in the guest room." she said, like it was simple. "Hey there, Hanna and her Clan-a," Mona walked over and joined the group.

"Hey Mona, how did it go in there?" Hanna asked her friend with a smile. "Honestly? I nailed it." Mona said smugly, "It was epic. I think Mr Fitz cried." she said, making Richie hide his face in Josie's shoulder, trying not to laugh. "Good for you Mona. I guess the rest of us should go home." Spencer said sarcastically.

"No!" Mona said, "There are no small parts, only parts that don't make it into the yearbook." she said with a smile "Good luck." she said before leaving. Josie and Spencer caught Aria staring at Mr. Fitz. "Why don't you audition?" Spencer asked. "I mean you kinda have one in with the director." she said, causing Richie to chuckle and nod in agreement. "Stop." Aria said. "Is he wearing the tie you gave him?" Josie said with a smirk. "Stop." Aria said again, not amused by her friends' antics. "It would be so awesome to hang out with you two after school. To see you as a couple," Spencer said.

"News flash. Just 'cause we're on this side of the building Doesn't mean that we can suddenly light candles and slow dance." Aria said sarcastically. "But that's the opening night party." Spencer joked. "Hello, Aria." she said in a male voice before leaning into Aria. "Hello, Ezra." she replied, trying to speak like Aria. "Are you finished?" Aria asked. "It's not like we'll ever be able to go on a double date with you guys." Emily said, defending their actions.

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