"Nuna." Haerim memanggil Minha. Minha hanya memandang Haerim tanpa berkata apa-apa.

"Janji tau jangan nangis." Ujar Haerim lalu membuka file yang dinamakan dengan simbol-simbol aneh itu.

"Hae—" Haerim terus berlalu pergi, meninggalkan Minha sendirian dihadapan komputer itu.

Minha mengeluh perlahan. Dia tak faham dengan perangai Haerim, pelik sangat. Tak pernah-pernah dia buat macam tu.

Mata Minha hanya memandang satu video yang dimainkan oleh Haerim. Video itu hanya gelap, tak ada apa-apa untuk dilihat.

"Apa ni?" Minha menyoal perlahan. Entah apa yang Haerim suruh dia tengok. Mabuk agaknya budak tu.

"Test test." Mata Minha membulat.


"Boleh dah ke ni?" Suara itu muncul lagi. Minha menekup mulutnya. Apa semua ni?

"Okay hyung, dah boleh dah!" Kali ini muncul suara Haerim yang kedengaran teruja pula.

"Do you remember
The promise we made together?
Do you recall all the laughter and joy?

Said I'd take you there next summer
The walkway down was long as hell
But it was worth every step
The ocean scent, the ocean view
The sound of the waves roaring

Minha terus memandang Haerim yang berada di meja kecil tadi. Dia hanya termenung ke luar tingkap sambil tangannya bermain-main dengan patung kecil berwarna putih.

And as it all calmed down
(Oh, yeah) I closed my eyes

And I could only think of you and how beautiful it'd be
I just wanna be with you, put a smile on your face
'Cause that's all I need
I really wanna go with you, you, you, you, you, you
The only thing missing for this to be perfect is you, you

Air mata Minha mengalir.

It's not the first time
But feels good all the time together
Can't really quite grasp why
But being around you is special to me (special to me)
I don't deserve what you have in store
You pull me in like the waves on the shore
And you keep leaving me wanting more
(Heart beating like crazy)

And as it all calms down
(Hey) I close my eyes

And I could only think of you and how beautiful it'd be
I just wanna be with you, put a smile on your face
'Cause that's all I need
I really wanna go with you, you, you, you, you, you
The only thing missing for this to be perfect is you, you

I'll be waiting, 'cause waiting for you will all be worth it
Got all the time in the world if it's you

I could only think of you and how beautiful it'd be
I just wanna be with you, put a smile on your face
I really wanna go with you, you, you, you
The only thing missing for this to be perfect is you, you, ooh."

Nyanyian itu tamat. Video yang gelap tadi bertukar dengan Jacob yang sedang duduk dimeja kecil yang diduduki oleh Haerim sekarang.

"Annyeong Minha! Hehe, happy birthday!! Urmm... Lagu tadi tu okay tak? Kau suka? La— Hae janganlah rakam jugak, hyung malu teruk dah niii!!"
"Hyung ni wat lek wat pis sudah lah!"

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