[ 11 ]

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its been a few months since Jeongin and Seungmin began dating.

Seungmin adjusted his headphones,

' Where have you been?,'

He watched with a smile as Jeongin skated through the skate park, looking happier than ever. Seungmin took note to how much Jeongin enjoyed skating, just any type of skating. Over the months, Seungmin had seen Jeongin figure skate, roller skate, and longboarding. Jeongin could do tons of tricks as well.

' do you know if, '

Seungmin sat on the bench comfortably in a pair of loose sweats and a sweater. A simple outfit, he didnt feel the need to dress too well around Jeongin now.

' you're coming back? '

Jeongin finished skating, tired obviously. He huffed as he walked over to his lover sitting on the bench to his left. He sat beside him, resting his head on the others shoulder. Seungmin couldn't help but smile as he thought about all the moments he had with Jeongin while listening to this song. It was just sweet to Seungmin, He offered Jeongin a towel, jeongin wiping his forehead. Seungmin smiled as he heard a muffled ' Thank you, my love. ' from Jeongin. Seungmin didn't know why, but it was like he was still crushing on Jeongin. Obviously he had a ctush on Jeongin but its like they werent dating, not in that way but..

Its like everytime Jeongin does something romantically Seungmin still gets butterflies, it makes him feel special and loved. He'd never felt so in love with somebody.. well if you dont count day6 of course.

Seungmin blushed madly as Jeongin kissed his cheek. He'd never really been into physical touch with their other friends but Jeongin.. was different for him. Any physical touch from Jeongin made Seungmin blush and attempt not to smile or show that he was getting shy. Seungmin took one headphone off his ear, staring in admiration as Jeongin used the towel to wipe his forehead, drinking a water bottle quickly.

' we were too close to
the stars. '

Jeongins face smooth skin glistened like glass. His dimples exposed as he talked passionately, his voice thick like honey, but smooth and calming.

' i never knew somebody
like you.. '

His hair pushed back constantly by Jeongin brushing his hair back, his sweet platinum blonde hair damp. The breeze flowing gently, it was the perfect temperature.

' falling just as hard '

Jeongin turned to look at Seungmin, Noticing he went silent. Also noticing that Seungmin went heart eyes on him, his eyes shimmering with the whole universe in his eyes as he listened to him talk. His sweet chocolate brown hair and strawberry pink bangs sitting nicely, just over his eyes. His eyes hovered down, to Jeongins lips but then back to Jeongins eyes. Jeongin smiled,

' i would rather lose somebody
than use somebody. '

Jeongin leaned in and kissed the other's lips. It was a soft peck, since they were in public but it was sincere. It was sweet, and tingly.. but that was just because Seungmin had strawberry and mint chapstick on. The 2 giggled happily, looking oh so in love with eachother.


hi bookies its 2 minutes til 10pm... heres this ☺☺☺❗ next chapter will be... *leaves u on a cliff hanger*

also did i mention this chapter was based off of me and my boyfriend 🙏🏼🙏🏼 ( not the kissy parts tho ) im seungmin hes jeongin 🤗

-author jisu

# SKATER BOY [ SEUNGIN ]Where stories live. Discover now