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Author's note: Sam and Bonnie are brother and sister.

Tyler's POV

Breath strained, I ran to the car. Shit, I thought. I'm going to be late.

Today was the day of Sam's pool party, exclusively for the football team and the cheerleaders. There was this one girl, Stephanie, I'd had my eyes on for a while. Rumour had it that she was still a virgin. But not after I'm done with her, I smiled to myself.

Sam's house was a mansion like mine, but nowhere near as big. He did, however, have a fwe acres of woodland, which I sometimes went into to wander around. I ran up the porch and hammered on the door impatiently and waited. A snap broke the silence behind me. Whirling around, I saw a pair of eyes staring at me from across the road. My breath caught in my throat. Blinking again, the eyes disappeared. "Just a fox," I muttered to myself.

"I'll get it!" A girl screamed, laughing. The door was yanked open and a girl with mousy brown hair looked back at me.

"Stephanie," I said with a smile.

"Tyler's here!" She giggled, and planted a kiss on my cheek. She ran back into the garden, stumbling along the way.

Good, she's already drunk, I thought with a grin. I walked through the double doors to the garden, taking my top off along the way. A few girls giggled from the jacuzzi seeing me, and I flashed them a smile. If everything didn't go according to plan with Stephanie, at least I had one... Or two... Girls to fall back on.

Seeing Stephanie sat on the steps leading into the pool, I jumped in and swam over to her. She shrieked as I flicked water towards her, and splashed some back into my face. Sitting on the steps next to her, I put on my charm. "You look great tonight."

"Not too shabby yourself, Lockwood," She giggled. Staring down, she said, "My God, Tyler, you're a gym junkie!" She erupted into fits of laughter and fell down into the water. She rose back up and started laughing again. God, she was drunk.
Taking her hand, I whispered into her ear. "Want to go upstairs?"

She stared at me wild-eyed. "Yeah, but no funny stuff!"

As if, you drunken-

"Ty!" Sam yelled. "C'm'ere!"

"Piss off Bennett!" I yelled back.

Leading Stephanie from the pool, I led her up the stairs and into Bonnie's room. Matt was already on the bed making out with one of the other girls. Sighing, I checked the other rooms. Even the bathroom was taken.

An idea popped into my head. I snatched Stephanie's hand and led her into the woods out of the front door. The full moon was illuminating everything, so it was easy to see.

"Wait, Tyler, wait!" Stephanie murmured. If I didn't act fast, she was going to be asleep before I knew it.

Whirling her around, I whispered sweet things into her ear to get her to calm down. She relaxed into my arms.

A howl reverberated through the night, and Stephanie shrieked. She wriggled out of my arms and ran inside, slamming the front door behind her. Sighing, I walked up the porch. What the hell? I thought, why did she lock the door?

"Stephanie? Stephanie!" I yelled. "Open the door!"

A gutteral growl was coming from behind me. I turned around slowly. Something was crouched between a pair of parked cars. I blinked, and it was running. I laughed. It was only a lone wolf, it didn't scare me.

But that thing running after the wolf did. It must have been at least 7 foot tall, and ran faster than anything I had ever seen. I saw it grab the wolf and bite down on its neck. The wolf yelped, then was still. It howled, and turned slowly towards me. Crouching low, it started to run. I panicked. Thumping on the door, I screamed, "Stephanie! Sam! Matt!"

The thing was getting closer. I ran around the side to the fence. I tried climbing up, but heavy panting froze me in place. My head whipped around and saw the great beast lumbering slowly towards me. It raised a claw above its head and started to walk faster.

Adrenaline coursing through my veins, I tried to find a handhold. I jumped, fingers barely grasping the top of the fence. Splinters broke my skin, and blood started to seep through the cuts. The beast stopped. It was about 3 feet away from me now. Stopped dead in its tracks. Frozen. Suddenly, it's lips curled and it growled. It brought its claw down, faster than I thought could be possible. It slashed me across the chest, and I fell screaming. Clutching my chest, I tried to back away to the fence. The beast dropped to all fours, and sank it's jaws into my shoulder. I could feel every vein, every bone, every fibre of my being being broken underneath its great crushing teeth. I screamed at the top of my voice, and heard running.

I passed out.

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