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Jeremy's POV

"Wait for us!" Anna yelled as her and Vikki ran towards 5th period. We had gym, and I had no intention of going. My class was made uo entirely of jocks like Tyler Lockwood and Matt, people I didn't really get on with. Since the first lesson I had decided to bail everytime I had gym. Luckily, it was always last, so I could just claim to be sick and get a cappucino while I waited for Anna and Vikki.

I relaxed against my car. It had been a 17th birthday present from Damon and Stefan. I guess the money piles up after a hundred years of bank interest. Feeling the coffee run down my throat, I watched a pair of Senior girls giggle. "Like a beer can!" One of them squealed, and they erupted into fits of laughter. Oh God, they weren't really talking about that were they?

I tried to feign disinterest. I'd always known that I was gay, it was pretty obvious to me. I'd only planned to tell Anna, and I guess I had to tell Vikki when we broke up. We were all good friends, though, so they could keep a secret.

5th period was drawing to a close, so I waited outside the girl's locker room. Vikki had told me she and a few of her old friends drilled a few holes through the wall to the boy's showers, which provided days of amusement until they had been found out and the holes sealed. The boy's locker room was empty, and truth be told, I couldn't really remember what it looked like. I stepped in cautiously. If I got caught, I could imagine the nicknames I'd have to live with for a few years. The lockers were painted red, with the school name painted across them. How patriotic. The shower was still running, but it was 10 minutes past 3, surely no-one was left in there? Still, I don't want to be blamed for it, so I decided to turn it off.
That is, if Tyler Lockwood hadn't been standing butt naked under a stream of water. His eyes were closed, but I could see the water form trickles down his body, forming rivers between his chiseled abs. The steam was rising up his neck, carressing it, kissing it, stroking it. Fingers of mist wrapping themselves around his neck and biceps and disappearing again. His manhood was obscured by a porcelain wall that had been erected to ensure at least some privacy. Curse the people who decided to make a wall there, I thought.

I was snapped out of it when I saw him turn off the water. I ran. No way was he going to know that I had just watched him shower. I tried to act casual later on as I saw him leave the locker room with a towel around his neck.

"What the hell you looking at, Gilbert?" He probed me with a frown. He walked off without waiting for an answer, and strutted through the doors. His ass hugged perfectly by the jeans that made him seem- Calm down Jeremy! I reminded myself as I realised I was getting a little... excited.

"Sup bitch!" Came the joyful giggle from Anna. "Have a good day?"

"Oh, you have no idea," I replied with a sly smile.

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