56. Tori makes Sikowitz quit

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"And then Trina screamed" Tori said.

"There's Shawn" Trina said hitting Tori's arm.

"Whos Shawn" I asked.

"Hes 160 pounds of senior hotness, and i am going to make him love me." Trina said getting up and leaving.

"Gross" I muttered.

Jade, Beck, Tori, Sikowitz, Andre, Robbie, and I, were at this play Tori found.

I was sitting by Beck as him and Jade were still text fighting.

"Well, i must say, its extremely kind of you teenagers to take me to the theater like this" Sikowitz said.

"Ah, you deserve it after 10 years of being a teacher" Tori said.

"Thank you, sir. So what's this play about" he asked.

"im not even sure" she admitted.

"Its about an artist who faces a major life crisis" Robbie said reading off the pamphlet they gave us.

"Ah. Well all the plays here are top nootch" Sikowitz said as Beck put his head on my shoulder.

"Uh, notch" Robbie corrected him.

"He says nooth"

"I say nooth" we said at the same time.

"Try it" Sikowitz said looking up.

"What, me?" Tori asked.

"Come on.. Nootch" Sikowitz said looking at her.

"Nootch" they said.

"Eh" he said

"ah" she said

"See" he said nodding

"yeah" she said

"feels good, right" he asked smiling.

"Ohh" she nodded

"All my students, try it" he said as we all looked at him.

"nootch" we all said.

"And now everybody" Sikowitz said looking around.

"Nootch" Everybody said.

"uh-huh"  he said smiling.

"I had dreams' of doing something special with my life, but now im just a high school teacher, worthless loser." the actor said as i looked at Tori raising my eyebrows.

"Frittering my days away in a stupid classroom with a bunch of snot nose teenagers. That's no life for a man"

"Okay, so look at teaching as a-a temporary thing" Randy said.

"Its been 10 years, Randy. 10 years of watching my friend have rewarding lives, while I'm nothing but a high school teacher"

"Great play, Tori. Good call" Jade whispered to her.

"i didnt know" she said.

"At least you're not bald"

Dad got up going to leave.

"Mike, dude, come on buddy."

"Dad" i whispered yelled getting up "Im so going to fucking beat your ass, Vega" I said before leaving to follow him.

3rd person pov

Cynthia ran after sikowitz.

As Tori looked at everyone else

"She uh she was kidding right" She asked looking at him.

"She doesn't play about her dad, and you know that" Jade said leaving.

"Sorry, Vega" Beck said getting up and leaving.

Tori looked at Andre as he shrugged "You know she's very protective over Sikowitz and Cat. you messed up" He said getting up and leaving as Robbie followed.

3rd person pov

"Man, Sikowitz is 10 minutes late" Robbie said.

"And Cynthia isn't even here" Cat said as Beck sighed.

"Where is he" Tori asked looking out the classroom door.

"Maybe he locked himself in a dark closet cause you forced him to go see a play that made his whole life seem like a big fat pile of garbage. And then you messed up by doing that cause now Cynthia's gonna beat your ass. I'm gonna have a banana now" Jade said pulling a banana out of her bag.

"you know, why dont i just lie on the floor so you can start kicking me" Tori said.

"you have that dream too? But nah ill leave that to Cyn" Jade said smirking.

"You know, uh, monkeys peel their banana's from the bottom" Robbie said.

"Man, do you just sit there and think to yourself, hey, "what would an idiot say right now" And then that's what you say?" Rex asked laughing.

The door opened as Cynthia and Sikowitz came in.

Possibility • Beck OliverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon