Chapter 9: The Search

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"MEGHAN JACOB WAKE UP ......YO LOVE BIRDS WAKE THE HELL UP!" Chance yells at them still cuddling on the coach. "Hey yeah you two where the hell are Mary and Amber."
"We don't know last thing we remember is you and sis going up stairs to look for whatever made that big bang."

Jacob looked kind of shocked when he said that like he honestly can't even remember falling asleep. He's worrying me. My next question when the hell did them cuddling become a thing.

"Ok hi you know Jennifer y'alls bestie over here yeah hi....umm....question."

"Yeah what's that?" Jacob said looking puzzled.

"When the hell did this become a thing?" I said as I pointed at the fact they were cuddling.

"Well I ahh..." Jacob had to take over for Meghan. "We are together and its just I feel like I can tell her anything and never get judged for it and I ....."

"Spear me the details for later Mr. and Mrs. Caplinger let's focus on Mary and Amber and where the hell they can be. Any ideas bub?"

"The only thing I can think of is Trey but he left right after you gave him the money for our food."

"You two have any ideas?"

And of course both shake their head no. They are such a big help.

"Ok well they have to be around here somewhere because they had no way of leaving the house."

I galanced over at the clock it read 8:30pm.

"Ok we have till tomorrow morning to figure out where the hell they are, make sure they are alive and stay alive, and make sure no one else disappears. So that means we all stick together got it."

"Got it." All three say together.

"Ok let's work from the bottom up. Let's start in the..."

I was stopped dead in my tracks when the electric shut off. The first thing I did was turn on the camera to make sure I could see everyone. Ok there is Chance, Meghan, and Jacob all right in a group. They are all here, if no one is disappearing why did the electric go off?

"Guys? Is everyone ok?"

"Yeah I'm here." I heard Chance say.

"Yeah." Both Megz and Jacob say. I release my breath in a sigh of releaf.

So if everyone is here everyone is ok then what is the purpose of the lights being o....I couldnt even finish my thought before the lights were back on, but now I know why the lights went off we were all here together, but here's the question where exactly is here? And is this where Mary and Amber are? If so can we get to them in time?

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