Chapter 1: School

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"Hey Jen!" and folks that is my big brother or well best friend Chance Malone. He's not my real brother, but he's the closest thing I will ever have to one so I call him my brother.
"Hey bub."
"So want to come home with me and Meggie tonight?"
The person he referred to as Meggie is my best friend of 14 years or my sister Meghan.
"Yeah sure is Momma Dana getting us?" I ask as we walk down the long blue and white hall way on our way to homeroom.
"Duh we won't ride on a magic carpet smart one."
"Ok whatever smartass...wait where's Megz?"
"I think she's with Jacob."
"Are they ever going to just date? I mean they already act like it and they would practically make out at lunch if they sat any closer together."
"No, he's to big of a chicken shit to ask her out."
"You have a point ."
We walk down the ramp in front of the counseling center and in to the link. The link is where two of our newest computer labs and or vending machines are that I see no point in, because you can only use them before and after school unlike last year its stupid. We finally get to the upstairs of the 4000 building or freshman building where all juniors homerooms are just in time for the morning bell.

Of course morning announcements come on and Chance and I ignore all of it. All I want to do at this point is survive till lunch.

After homeroom I hug bub and say I'll see him in history along with Megz who I still have yet to see today and I'm on the bus out to the collage for half the day to sit through lectures "yay" not.

After the bus ride I get to the collage to not only deal with the boring lectures that will put you in to a dead sleep, but to deal with the idiots who I'm surprised made it in to the class based on their IQ level. I get back on the bus to talk to my good friend Matty. Matty has a disability that I still don't know what is exactly, all I really know about it is she cant walk without her walker.
"Hey Matty so how was your classes?"
"Ehh ok and yours?"
"I dealt with idiots all day, so not very well."
From a couple seats back I heard to of them say "I heard that!"
"Good that was the idea dumbass!"
"Well aren't you all happy today haha."
"You know if I didn't know you better Matty I would think that was sarcasm haha."
And we continued on in meaningless conversation. When I got back to the school it was time for history, so I went up and stood outside the door like I did everyday and waited for the bell to ring. I went in and got my seat and waited on Chance and Megz. They got there just as the bell rang as usual so I had no time to ask Megz where she was this morning.
Now what I can say about history is its a fun class our teacher is Mr. Smith and he is so cool. So I enjoy that class and actually pay attention. So time flies by and its lunch time.
I wait on Megz and Chance to get their stuff and walk with them down the hall.
"So where were this you morning Megz?"
"Really Jen I was with Jacob."
"And nothing we are just friends."
"But she so wants to be more and she knows it haha."
"I know this bub haha."
"Look guys whatever I want doesn't matter its not happening ok?"
As we walk into the lunch room and sit down not much happens Parkersburg South is actually a very boring school. Ok so you know that school in your state or county that doesn't accomplish much of anything and sucks at just about everything , but for some ungodly reason students have a lot of school spirit. Yeah that's my school and it sucks because my friends are in that like 3% that's has like 0 school spirit.
So after school I met up with Chance and Megz at the doors the go outside in the lunch room and go out to Momma Dana's car and get in I didn't know what was ahead.

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