Wicked Scottish Smiles

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        My name is Rose Tyler. I am 19 years old and live in London, England. It's such a beautiful place, I love it here. London is such an amazing city. Like I said, I just love it. Love the people, the food, the community and everything else about it. Well anyways, I live with my mum in a flat down town. Just a bus ride away is the small clothing shop where I work. It's called The Uptown. It isn't very big but it is really nice. All we sell are pretty much dresses and formal shirts. They have the cutest things there.

        My father died when I was very young. He was hit by a car. So it's basically just my mum and I. She never got remarried. Honestly I don't mind our simple lifestyle. It's easy and it is just the two of us. Her name is Jackie. Sometimes she can be quite the sass. I can't tell if that is just her or her older age. My mum works little side jobs here and there but, other than that she just pretty much piddles and does her own thing.

        It was Saturday. I woke up as usual and got ready for work. The alarm clock said 7:30. Quickly, I slipped some jeans on, a t shirt, my flats, and grabbed my purple jacket.Kissing my mum on the cheek I wished her a farewell and started towards the bus stop. It was a beautiful day here in London. I stopped at the street corner. A man in a trench coat over a pin striped suit with glasses and spikey brownish hair stood at the bus stop with me. "Good morning." I told him politely. The odd man turned to me with an eyebrow raised, astonished at my politeness almost. He was very attractive. There was something about those dark, brown eyes that was simply adorable. 

"Ello to you as well." He said in a heavy Scottish accent. This man was someone important that is for sure. He didn't exactly look it by wearing a suit with white high top chucks. His tone of voice was very proper. Probably some sort of CEO or something. Then again he wasn't carrying a breifcase or anything. I smiled up at him. "Not from around here huh?" He returned a wicked grin at my question, like he thought I'd never ask. "Oh no, not really." I nodded. "So you're from Scotland I'm guessing?" He laughed. Laughed at me like I was an idiot. "No, not Scotland. No where near Scotland." I felt my face slightly blush as the bus pulled up. I took a seat by the window. I found myself thinking about that strange man.....where was he?

        Did he even get on the bus? Hmm. What an odd character. He seemed friendly enough. Then again....he seemed creepy and strange at the same time. Honestly it was kind of attractive and he was still attractive in appearance. I chuckled at my own thoughts. The bus pulled to a stop in front of the strip.On this particular strip was the shop I worked in(The Uptown), a sub shop, and a few other places. It was nice and in a good part of town. The Uptown payed pretty well too. Plus since a lot of cour costumers are decently wealthy people comission is a great thing. A lot of these women are older and spoiling their younger children or themselves. I dont know which is better for the buisness. I still get comission on every sale I make so as long as they're buying I don't care what they're doing. The money I make between how many hours I work a week and comission is usally enough to get my mum and I through most weeks. She aslo works little jobs here and there too. Mostly small tasks like babysitting, watering plants while people are gone over breaks and stuff like that. It keeps her busy and has decent income so I don't really think she needs a job at this point. 

        Life in London was simplistic. I worked a lot. Hung out with some friends on the weekend. My friends also included my boyfiend Mickey. We have been dating for awhile now. Mickey and I grew up together. He has been there for me through everything, including my father's death. Which I don't really remember but we were still friends. I know his family really helped my mum through it. To this day I highly doubt she was the woman she was when he was still alive. Sometimes I believe it is better that I don't really remember him. There is always a long line to get off the bus at this stop in the morning. So many people work  on this strip and in this part of town in general. It's very busy and very crowded in the early hours of the morning. The cold London air nipped at my ears. I mentally scolded myself for not bringing some sort of hat, I really wish I would've. So instead I cupped my hands over my ears and ran across the street. Safe and sound on the sidewalk I took my hands away from my ears and looked around. Out of all the buissness men, shop workers, and tourist that were out this morning I spotted that man. The Scottish one whom claimed to be from a far away place. I then realized I had a huge grin on my face from the sight of him. There was just something about him that was itching at the back of my mind. I was dying to figure it out. Just one thing was off about him. One thing. Maybe it was the white chucks? I have no idea.

        The man just flashed me another wicked smile once he realized who I was. The fact that he remembered me tugged a small smile at the corner of my lips. That twisted smile must be his signature mark or something. Eventually I just gave him a huge smile and chuckled at him, shaking my head. Wait. Something hit me like a brick wall. What was this man's name? What if he was following me? Who was this man? I didn't even know him. I met him this morning and didn't even see him get on the bus he was waiting for. What if he was waiting for me? What if something bad is about to happen real soon? I felt my mouth go dry. I had to figure out who this mystery man was and fast. 

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