(LightBrush) Take me to see the Lights

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A/N: Hey! Sorry I haven't posted chapter 4 to Coffee Flavored kisses, I promise it will be out soon! But in the meantime I hope you enjoy these Valentine's day ship one a day one shots that will make you feel lonely!

Ship: Lightbrush ( Rapunzel AU )


"HAHA! SEE YA SUCKERS!" Lightbulb turned the sharp corner, stumbling forward. Adrenaline coursed through her body as she celebrated her victory. Patting the satchel across her waist, feeling the sharpness of her newest stolen item. "Man, I wonder how much I could get for this.. $100? Nah. $100,000 and we're talking.." Lightbulb, still smirking, looked around. She had been running from those guards for so long she had gotten herself lost- Well that's no issue! She'll just go the way she came in- "There she is!" Shit. Where could she- O Is that a tower?! But it's so tall- "Grab her!" LESS THINK MORE DO!

She scrambled up the tower, using a dagger in each hand to propel herself upwards. It was going great! That was until the adrenaline wore off- One glance down was more than enough to make her queasy. It didn't get any better after the multiple times when she almost lost her footing. But she had finally made it to the top! Scrambling through the window revealed a warmly lit room, paintings covered the walls, or the paintings were the walls- hey, is that a-


Paintbrush held the frying pan over their head, they shifted uncomfortably. I-Is that even human? They relaxed their body as they stepped closer. Their pet crab Baxter skidded across the floor. Poking the human-like body. "Any clue what that is Baxter?" The crab backed up, making Paintbrush's grip on the frying pan tighter. Well, whatever it was, it definitely wasn't moving anymore. They nudged it a bit, eventually tipping the things head over, confirming their suspicions. The thing had bright yellow hair, lazily tied back into low pigtails. Paintbrush sighed. Wait. That's a human.. THEY JUST SMACKED SOMEONE WITH A FRYING PAN.

A groan caught them off guard, instinct kicked in and they smacked it again. Causing its head to flop back down. They tried to control their breathing as thoughts came and went out of their brain, becoming tangled and confused. One thing repeated. They just hit someone with a frying pan. Well they couldn't just leave it here! Multiple failed attempts at stuffing the thing inside their closet led to them just tying it to a chair, taking off any bags it had, stuffing it in a nearby pot for safe keeping. Baxter looked at the pot, looking back at Paintbrush. "What! This- thing! Could have weapons. Mother says people like this are dangerous! Okay- but still!" They finished tying it to the chair, using their incredibly long hair as rope.

About two hours had passed, and Paintbrush became anxious. They walked over to the body, they had decided this thing was likely a girl. But their own struggle with identity led them to not assume. Anyways they checked the pulse. Sighing in relief when they felt a heart beating back. One of its eyes shot open, screaming as soon as they saw Paintbrush, ending up with two screaming people, Paintbrush flying backwards. And an awkward silence to follow.

"Wha- Where am I? Is this hair?!" Lightbulb squirmed around, eventually looking the other in the eyes, a frying pan raised above their head. It was an interesting sight to say the least, their long hair covered almost every surface in the room, they had a black paint covered dress on. So that's who created all these paintings! "I said, who are you?"

"HUH? OH! Ahem- Allow me to introduce myself as Lightbulb, the fearless adventurer, and charming hero of many! So how's it going...?"


"Painty! Now, what's a gorgeous someone such as yourself doing all the way up here?"

A scoff revealed that perhaps Lightbulbs unmistakable charm wasn't exactly working- "Paintbrush. And I could ask you the same question- Lightbulb."

Lightbulb leaned forward in her seat, looking up at Paintbrush who relaxed in the slightest. "Aw, you think I'm gorgeous?" Paintbrush's face flushed. This was a new feeling to them, embarrassment? They pointed the frying fan at..Lightbulb. Causing her to move back in her seat. Paintbrush sighed, continuing, "Listen to me- Lightbulb. I'm the one asking questions here. Now don't think your compliments can get you out of this. Now tell me- why are you here and what do you want from me?" Lightbulb raised one eyebrow, looking between Paintbrush and a small crab in the corner.. "Hey! Is that a crab! Cool!"

"I-Yes, But question!"

"Oh crap- right, so uh- y'know how I mentioned being a hero to all! Yeah well not- all. Basically some guards were chasing me. Your presumably home was the best hiding place. In reality I have no clue who you are other than gorgeous, and I don't want anything from you except for your heart of course."

"Why exactly should I believe you..?"

Lightbulb tilted her head, furrowing her eyebrows as she glanced from Baxter to Paintbrush. Back and forth- Back and- Hey. Where's my satchel? Lightbulb now looked around frantically, patting her body down to the best of her abilities with her predicament at the moment. "Hey, uh Painty believe me or not but have you seen my really important recognizable can't miss it, satchel?" She smirked, as Paintbrush crossed their arms leaning to the side.

"Oh? You mean that random bag I found with that oh so special pointy thing? Yeah I figured you'd want it back, so I hid it."

In reality the only reason Paintbrush had hid it was out of fear, but they could use this to their advantage. If Lightbulb really wanted that satchel maybe they could convince her to do something for them. "Hid it? So you do know where it is! Now can you possibly untie me and tell me where it is? So I can get out of your hair- literally!" She wheezed at her own joke, slowing when she realized Paintbrush wasn't moving. Paintbrush grinned, waltzing over to their largest wall painting by far, the sky lights. Every year on their birthday the night sky would light up with colors of yellow and oranges. They had always wanted to see it from somewhere that wasn't a window. Of course Mother never allowed that but now they might just have a chance.

They pulled back the curtain, watching Lightbulbs face contort into one of confusion. "You hid it- there?" Paintbrush sighed, "No, you're not going to get your precious thing. Not unless you take me to see- these. You mentioned you're a fearless adventurer right? You should know your way around."

Lightbulb blinked, mouth agape. Leaning back she giggled to herself. "Yeah but I also mentioned how I'm not exactly a- hero. The kingdom where the lanterns are every year, and I aren't exactly buddy buddy. So no can do Painty!" Paintbrush just stared at them deadpan. "Guess you won't get your satchel back, Oh! And the doors over there." Paintbrush smirked pointing out the still open window. Lightbulb shivered, eventually caving in. "I take you to see the lanterns and you'll give me back my satchel."

"Yes, I believe that's what we agreed on."

Lightbulb stared at her feet, thinking. "UGH FINE. But you better untie me first! I think I'm losing oxygen-" 

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