"You brought snacks," He asked as I pulled Bella behind me. Jasper pushed me behind him. Edward sprung in front of Bella, baring his teeth. A truly menacing, feral snarl rips from Jasper's and Edward's throats. James growled back as the Cullens joined Edward.

Esme pushed me and Bella behind her. Sebastian got in front of me as Angel got in front of Bella. Laurent and Victoria line up behind James. His eyes meets mine and I could see the lust in his eyes. He heard my heartbeat. Jasper growled at him.

"The girls are with us," Carlisle said. "We won't harm them," Laurent said. "Just try it," Emmett smiled. "I think it best if you leave," Carlisle asked. "Yes, I can see the game is over," Laurent said as he got up. "We'll go now. James?" But James' eyes don't leave Edward's.

Laurent puts a hand on James' shoulder, and finally, James backs into the woods with his cohorts, disappearing. Once they're gone, Esme immediately gathered up the bats. "Get Bella and Elodie out of here. We'll follow them," Carlisle said as he, Emmett, and a resentful Rosalie raced off after the three vampires.

Jasper scooped me up as Edward pulled Bella onto his back. Angel and Sebastian ran with us. The two vampires ran to the Jeeps as Jasper strapped me in. Angel and Sebastian got in the back, looking out the back of the truck. "Why did he act like that?" I asked.

"He's a tracker," Jasper explained."The hunt is his obsession, and our reaction set him off." The tires spin as Jasper whips the jeep around. My heart was pounding, my oxygen tank started beeping rapidly. Angel and Sebastian tried to calm me down but it wasn't working.

"We're a large clan of strong fighters all protecting two vulnerable humans and a Protector," his voice was dark with disgust. "We just made this his most exciting game ever." "We need to take me away from here?" I asked, slightly out of breath. "We need to keep him away from Charlie."

The jeep careened down the mountain road. I started to get dizzy. "The first place he'll go is your house," Jasper added. "He'll track your scent there." "What about Charlie?" I asked. "We can't leave him alone!" "Then we'll lead the tracker away from him. Somehow,"

Jasper said as he angrily whips around a bend, mud flying everywhere. Jasper got a call from Edward. He answered it and talked to him. I was going in and out as my breathing worsens. "Bella wants us to tell Charlie that we had to go after her," he informed us, hanging up.

"She wants us to wait until Charlie would call us. We can say that we need to go after her to get her back." I nodded as we pulled up to my apartment. Jasper picked me up and carried me inside. He quickly got me water and went to pack me a bag. Angel was trying to get my breathing normal as Sebastian was trying to get my oxygen levels up.

Sebastian ran to get me the phone as it rang. I listened to Charlie. "Don't worry I'll bring her back," I added as I hung up. I have Jasper a sad, scared look. "He'll forgive us" Jasper added. Jasper carried my bag to the Jeep. I thought I saw in the woods a pair of deadly eyes. James.

He watched from a distance as we got into the Jeep. As we pull out of the driveway, so does James.


"They're safe now, Antoinette. The tracker is following us," Jasper spoke up, having received a call from Edward. I sighed in relief as Jasper took my hand, rubbing his thumb over my hand. My breathing was still bad. Angel and Sebastian were in my lap, still trying.

I could see the hurt, and worry in Jasper's eyes. As we drove through town, I saw our friends in the coffee shop, happy and ignorant. I sighed as we arrived at the Cullen house. Edward, Jasper, Emmett, and Alice rushed Bella and me from the truck to the house but froze when the door opens and Laurent exited.

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