1.) introduction

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                "I'm just a distant memory to everyone till I mess up" she whispers. She doesn't think anyone heard her. My names Julia and I'm a "normal" girl. I here almost everything everyone says about me and others like me; outcasts. As I go through the days quietly keeping to myself I see how others think of themselves. One girl stands out to me because well she's just like me. We never talk to each other but I can tell she doesn't like being here around people. As we go through the days she doesn't eat lunch she just sits in her next class doing work. Weeks have gone by an all I think about is how much people don't want me here. I know people make fun of me all day because every time I walk by a group of kids they laugh and trip me. The girl who sticks out to me watches what they do and turns to walk away. I tried talking to her but she walked away. I just want to know why they laugh at her because it would help me find out why they are cruel to me as well.

Tell me what you sits think^.^ should I continue or quite?

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