Rantaro pt.2

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This is the part 2 of the Rantaro x Reader.

Reader in this one will have feminine parts but no Pronouns are really used for it
If people want, I can make one with male parts-
(Probably gonna do it anyways)

TW: Slight cussing

Kinks: tying hands up, dirty talk, blindfolding, slight edging idk,
Heavy, and I mean HEAVY teasing
(Idk I've seen people add the Kinks  part-)

Top Y/N and bottom Rantaro Supremacy 🛐

Anyways, enjoy!!

Y/N pov....

I had just finished chasing Iruma-San around almost the entire premise of the place we're trapped in. I was walking back to my room, tired and Teter-tottering side to side. Iruma-San wore me out.

I was about to enter my dorm when I remembered what happened in the library. I was really really proud of how confident I was. Like damn-

I shook my head and opened my door to see Rantaro sitting on my bed. Why was he here. Uh oh.

My face was red and I was quite sweaty from running around. To be honest, if Rantaro looked like this I would be having one of those anime nosebleeds.

He didn't notice me and just kept looking around the room with his eyes. Eventually he saw me and his face tinted red a bit. I had fully walked in, shut the door, and locked it to make sure no body walks in.

Luckily, more like hopefully, the dorms are sound proof so Iruma-San can't do the same thing she did last time.

I walked up to Rantaro, put my legs on both sides of his, put my arms around his neck and looked down at him.
Damn this is hot.

I had sat down onto his lap, just because my legs were still tired from all of that running. But when I sat down I felt something immediately poke at my ass. I knew Rantaro knew that I knew that he knew that I knew that he knew that I knew he was hard. And he was red.

I acted like I was trying to get comfortable so I scooted around, back and forth, causing me to slightly grind onto him. He let out small groans here and there, but that's not what I was looking for.

I went and caressed his cheek with my hand as I leaned in. He slowly closed his eyes. Once our lips were just a few centimeters from touching, I had placed my finger onto his lips and moved my head down to his neck as quickly as possible.

He gasped at this sudden action and I just smiled into his skin. I began to place light kisses all around his neck, looking for a certain spot.

He let out another gasp when I did find it. It was around the middle part between both of his collar bones. Such a nice spot that's easy to find, I should take note of that.

I had begun to lightly suck on the skin leaving a small, slightly red mark. I lightly bit the skin a bit. This caused him to let out a groan. This is so much fun!

No words had been spoken between us, just the air full of lust and passion. I was getting bored of this though so I stopped biting and sucking on the skin and looked at it. It was a nice, dark purple with red and small bite marks on it.

I looked up to his face and he was sitting there blushing like crazy. I had went, grabbed his face, and kissed him on the lips. It felt like those stereotypical ones so I'm not gonna explain it.

Random Smut Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang