And we're back on the main path

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Narrator's POV

There's a knock on the front door and then two more, Scott walks towards the door wondering who might be there so early in the morning. He opened the door and was surprised when he saw Steve on the other side, his hair was for once not styled and quite messy, he was panting as if he'd run a marathon and was holding a single tulip.

"Mr Clarke," he said fixing his hair, "Is Y/n home?"

"He left an hour ago for work, you got a lot of explaining to do young man," he said his arms crossed over his chest.

"I know, I'm so sorry about yesterday sir, my parents arrived from their trip and I had to help my dad with work- I should probably be telling Y/n this instead of you," he said interrupting himself.

"Yeah" Scott smiled at him.

Steve smiled back at Scott as he turned to walk back to his car but before he did he looked back at him.

"Is he mad?" Steve asked.

"He isn't mad, more than anything he's disappointed," Scott said.

Steve sighed and looked down, last time he disappointed Y/n was after his fight with Jonathan and he was really hoping not to make that mistake again, but clearly, he didn't do a very good job.

"Well, I'm gonna head there Mr Clarke, I'm sorry again about last night," Steve says apologetically.

"Don't be too harsh on yourself, we all make mistakes," Scott tells him with a soft smile.

Steve nods and walks back to his car, he waves goodbye to Mr Clarke and drives away towards the cafe.


(I listened to 'Vienna" by Billy Joel while writing this bit)

Y/n was standing by the cash register attending to the customers, they all loved talking to him. 

"A small cappuccino coming right up Sandy," Y/n said smiling as he went to make the coffee.

As Y/n did this Steve parked his car outside the cafe, got out of the car, checked that he looked okay in the rearview mirror, and then he grabbed the tulip and walked towards the cafe.
When Steve opened the door the small bell on top of it started ringing, letting all the workers, which in this case was Y/n, know that a new customer had arrived.

"Hello welcome to Hawkins Cafe and Reading" Y/n began saying as he finished making Sandy's cappuccino.

Steve couldn't help but softly smile as he saw Y/n, he walked over to the counter and stood there waiting for Y/n to turn around and realise it was him.

"Morning" Steve smiled at the old lady next to him.

"There you go Sandy," Y/n said handing the drink to her, "Sorry for the wait, how can I-"

Y/n's smile faded as he saw Steve standing in front of him, with a stupid flower and his stupid face.

"Can we talk?" Steve said.

"No. I'm busy" Y/n told him as he moved away and cleaned the coffee machine.

"Y/n, please" Steve replied as he followed him, "I'm sorry about last night, let me explain"

"It doesn't matter Harrington, alright? Can you just let me work" he said walking past Steve.

"Please," Steve whispered grabbing Y/n's wrist, "Give me five minutes"

"Fine" he answered.

Steve let got off his wrist and Y/n walked towards the staff room.

"Linda I'm going to be taking five," he said loudly.

A Chemical Reaction Called Love (Steve Harrington x Masc!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now