The Start of a New Chapter Can Be Confusing

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Narrators POV

(I listened to 'I Want to Know What Love Is' by Foreigner while writing this bit)

Acceptance takes a long time, you won't turn into the person you want to be from night to morning, especially if you live in a toxic environment and are surrounded by people that try to control you. This is why Steve Harrington was still dating Nancy Wheeler, his parents like her, and she comes from a family with a good reputation and money, sure he still likes Nancy, but the feelings for her haven't grown, if anything they've just become smaller. Nancy isn't even sure if she still likes Steve, Jonathan likes Nancy but hides his feelings and Y/n, well he's still figuring it out.

Steve didn't change right away, he still talked with Tommy and Carol sometimes, he didn't often hang out with Y/n, and it wasn't until early February that he finally cut them off; after that, his reign as 'King of Hawkins High School' slowly started to fall, and little by little he started losing his 'friends', by the end of the school year he was old news. Even though Steve knew that they never really cared for him, it still hurt to go from having everything to nothing, especially because his parents found out he was losing his popularity and status in school and looked down on him for letting that happen.

That day when he felt completely alone and like no one really knew him he drove to the place of the one person that has made him feel okay with being himself.

"Steve? What are you doing here?" Y/n asked him opening the door.

"I don't have any friends, once again I'm a disappointment to my parents, and it's only July," he said visibly upset as he avoids eye contact.

"Steve, I-" he began saying before being interrupted.

"I wanted to see you" Steve added answering the question and looking up into Y/n eyes.

"Why?" Y/n asked him.

"Because you like me for who I am, and I like spending time with you," he told him.

Y/n smiled at Steve and shook his head chuckling, "Do you want to come in?"

"No, actually I think I'll stand here in the cold summer breeze all night," Steve said sarcastically smiling back at him.

"You're an idiot," he told Steve, "Come on, my dad's making dinner" he grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside his house, closing the door once they were in.

"Who was at the door?" Scott asked from the kitchen.

"It's just Steve, is it okay if he has dinner with us?"

"Oh no I don't want to bother you," He said embarrassed.

"Mr Harrington, I haven't seen you in a while, you've grown a lot," Scott told him with a smile as he walked over to the dinner table, "You're more than welcome to join us for dinner, I always cook extra food anyway"

"Well, um, sure then, thanks Mr Clarke"

That night Steve felt more at home with the Clarke's than he's ever felt in his own house with his parents. They had a lot of fun talking about their day and movies they had recently seen, Steve felt included in the conversation the whole time, which is something that never happens with his parents. He laughed more those couple of hours than he had in the past six months, and he was glad he'd made the decision to spend time with Y/n instead of sitting alone in his room.

Scott couldn't help but notice the glances between Steve and Y/n, he could tell there was something going on between them, but he had the feeling neither of them wanted to accept it, even though the chemistry they had was obvious, but he would ask Y/n about it later.

A Chemical Reaction Called Love (Steve Harrington x Masc!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now