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Shoto woke up in a cold room. The air around him smelled ivory and of dust. He was tied to an uncomfortable chair with ducktape holding his arms and legs in place.
He blinked a few times confused at what was happening until the reality of everything started setting in.
Panic made his heart squeeze painful and his breathing speed up. However when he realized that there was tape on his mouth and he couldn't breath trough it, he started hyperventilating. His chest burned as he tried to force more air into his lunges then they could possibly fit. His heart was racing and his eyes were searching around the completely dark room.
In panic he struggled against the chair making it creack against the floor. His arms were taped all the way up to his elbows to the chairs wooden armrests. His legs taped up to his knees to the chairs legs. He could bearly feel his fingers and toes due to being tied so tightly.

Shoto tried to calm down when he realized that he won't be getting out of this on his own. Taking calming deep breaths through his nose he tried to stop another panic attack from happening.
Instead tears started to fog his vision yet he quickly blinked them away, refusing to cry over this. He won't let himself be scared. Whoever has done this must want something from him, otherwise they'd kill him already.
So maybe they wanted money? Shoto could give that. Still it seemed odd to go through such lengths only for money.
Or some information? He has no idea if he knows something important but he was sure that he was here by mistake.
Shoto wasn't rich. Not since he moved from his family which he cut off years ago. He wasn't involved in any sketchy buissnises so he HAD to be here by mistake.

Shoto hoped that hoever took him will let him go as soon as they realize that he isn't the pearson they want. Some time passed, Shoto trying not to panic and trying to get rid of the ducktape on his mouth. He tried to blow into the tape to get it off, then he tried to rub it against his shoulder to get it off as well but nothing worked.

He went completely still when the door opened and someone walked inside. The sound of the wooden floor creaking underneath the pearson's heavy steps made Shoto tense up. He felt his breathing quicken and his eyes straining as he tried to see the pearson that just walked into the room. He felt his body shake as he heard them walking closer. Then suddenly the lights were on, blinding Shoto and making him squint his eyes shut before blinking and trying to adjust to the light.
When he could finally see he looked at the man staring at him from across the room.

And Shoto's eyes widened at the sight of the same stranger from before. He had a smile on his face just like before only this time it seemed more sick and evil. "Hello Shoto~" said Midoriya. His voice deeper then Shoto remembered it and smoother as well. And now the memories were coming back to him. He remembered the man and the needle in his skin and the weird liquid. Morfin if he remembers correctly, is what Midoriya said it was. Shoto felt as tho his widened eyes were going to pop out of his skull any second. This couldn't be happening.

The man walked closer and Shoto's body tensed more. Once Midoriya was standing in front of him he kneeled so the two were at the same eye level.
Shoto held his breath as he was painfully aware of his heart speeding up due to fear. Midoriya stared at him with his intense green eyes before smiling even wider and saying
"You're so cute when you're scared."
Shoto only felt more uncomfortable by that and he wished nothing more then to wake up and realize that this was all a nightmare.
"But there's no need for you to be afraid. I won't hurt you." Midoriya spoke as he rose his hand to Shoto's head. Shoto seeing the movment tried to move his head away yet Midoriya still manged to reach him and run his fingers trough the others hair. The act was gentle and almost loving, it made something inside of Shoto twist uncomfortably with disgust.

Shoto felt his eyes tear up once more due to confusion and fear but he held his tears back. This will all be over soon. He was sure of it.
Midoriya just continued brushing his hair and sometimes his cheek.
"You're so beautiful you know that?" Midoriya asked as he continued staring at the other unblinkingly. Shoto slightly glanced at him, not sure what to say to that.
"And you're finally mine." Midoriya added with a mumble which made Shoto's breath quicken even more. What did this mean? Deep down Shoto started to slowly understand what was happening, but the thought that it was sickened him even more.

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