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ignore Grimmel

- Z

I woke up sore and hungry. I opened my clear blue eyes slowly because I knew that somewhere at some time, I would get a sunburst into my eyes.

But when I didn't, I began to remember what had happened and growled loudly. Finally, a raspy voice came into the hearing, and I turned my head towards the Orc who spoke. "don't worry, beast. My master will soon see you; you can be free of the mouth bind and the other ropes. Now be nice like a good dragon, ok?

I hissed and bared my teeth as much as possible, and when I tried to flap my wings, I felt a heavy pain spreading like wildfire. The Orc I now saw was none other than Azog the Defiler, laughing, "you're a bit naive, aren't you? Don't you think we would have taken you with us and not tied up your most important assets? How stupid do you think we are really?"

I snorted, unable to answer that. Finally, Azog sighed and walked away, leaving me alone in a dark cage. 

I whimpered and curled up. If I'm going to be with the enemy, then I'm not going to give them anything, even if they torture me. I will never give my friends' locations, even if I don't know where they are now. I hope they've gone on without me so they don't get caught.

 Soon I fell asleep dreamless and restless. But I clung to the silver thread of hope I had. It was the only thing I could do.

Thorin was even angrier as they made their way down from Carnrock, where the eagles had dropped them off. 

He didn't want to go on, but he had to. Luna would have wanted them to go on without her, and he might not have realized it himself, but he liked the dragon. she was kind and protective and would gladly chastise the dwarves if they crossed any boundaries. It was suitable for those who wanted to be queens or kings. 

Thorin shook his head. He could not have fallen for a dragon, the same race he swore to hate forever. But Smaug and Luna were different. Smaug, for one, was a male and had much more greed in his mind than a Light Fury. 

What Thorin had heard of these descendants of the deadly Night Fury was only that they were brave but oh so much more dangerous than their dark relatives and would burn you to death if they had to. "Thorin," Bilbo called. The King of the Mountain looked up and nodded to the Hobbit, who bounced back as he began to tell them what he had seen. 

The orcs still hunting them were close, but Azog was not with them. That was good, but not. ThenThen he went with Luna back to wherever their little base was. Thorin's mood only got worse, but he kept quiet. Finally, Gandalf said there was a house somewhere where they could take shelter, but the host would kill them or let them live. "What choice do we have?" he said suddenly, and Gandalf was about to reply, but an angry roar split the air, and the Dwarves were frightened.

"none," said Gandalf before he made them all run. They had no time to lose. After they came a great black bear with claws sharper and bigger than any ordinary bear, this was Beorn, a shapeshifter who lived in these woods. He was not too fond of dwarves, but they had to take that chance. 

Their lives were at stake now, and they had no white dragon to protect them. 

I growled as I was dragged before a tremendous dark throne. On it sat a strange creature, neither man nor beast. 

I smelled his smell as if dead worms were crawling around and death itself had joined him. But I refused to let him see that I wouldn't say I liked his bodily smell. It would only be rude, and I don't want to make him angry. "ah, the great Light Fury relative of the mortal child of lightning and death itself. What an honor. Here are the reasons for captivity: you are the last of your kind, and few can tame or possess such dragons as you. Therefore I, Sauron, the dark lord, shall be the first. You are mine now; therefore, you shall adore me and me alone. understand?"

Sauron. Oh, that serpent, he is a fool if he thinks I will follow his commands. But for now, I had no other way out. So Sauron smirked and said: "take off her muzzle. let me hear the voice of the last Fury" his orcs did as he said and pulled off your muzzle quite complexly, and the first thing that left your mouth was a roar of anger and pain. But you couldn't knock anyone over, or you could, but you kept calm.

Sauron didn't look particularly bothered by your sudden outburst but more than enough surprised. "any fight in you yet, Light Fury? Good then. You shall use it later today in my arena." he said and grinned. I growled and bared my teeth. I could feel the fireball that would threaten to rise from the deepest part of my chest tickling me, but I kept it down. "now I want to know your name; I can't just call you 'Light fury,'-" Sauron said and sat up straighter. You narrowed your eyes and said hoarsely, "luna. My name is luna."

Sauron nodded and waved his hand. A small pale orc came over to you with a fish on a rusty plate. You sniffed it before greedily taking it down and devouring it whole. It tasted a tiny tang of metal, but you gulped it down anyway. Sauron laughed heartily and laid his head on his shoulder. "you were hungrily granted. Regret that we have not fed you before, but you see... time is against us these days. Now" he turned to Azog, "take her back to her cell. The time for the arena is not yet."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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