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Anger and fear were the things that hit me the most when we ran out of the goblin tunnels. I had finally found Bilbo, though, the one I cared more about than my own life.

He and the company, of course. I soon let the halfing down and landed gracefully yet stumbled as my pants clawed their way out of my throat, and I dipped my head to the earth below, praying to the valar that I would not have to fly that hard again.

But my prayer went unanswered because just as we were about to talk about what and how Bilbo even came past the goblins, the howl of wargs cut the air like a knife cuts into butter or flesh. A snarl tore my usual calm expression, and in an instant, I wrapped myself around Bilbo, using my tail as extra protection. I wasn't going to run away this time.

Not when I could save those lives I had grown fond of. But Gandalf had other plans "into the trees!" he yelled and spurred the dwarves to run into the tall naked pines that stood proudly upon the cliff we had found ourselves on.

But while the mortals ran for their life, I stood my ground. I shall not vower from Death and fate. They have never claimed me before and shall not claim me now. Raising my wings to seem bigger and lowering my maw to the ground, I stood waiting for those beady glowing eyes of the wolves of war to appear in the growing night.

And they came.

At first, it was one, then more streamed on like bacteria to a bleeding wound. But they all stopped when I stood before the first pine, wings raised and teeth bared. They had seen me before, but then they could not lay a single scratch on me. Their massive jaws are saved now at the thought of bringing harm upon a dragon's hide.

The very kind is said to have unbreakable scales of armor. So now they can finally test that terity for their masters.

Azog was the only orc that spoke, his rotting teeth on display in an evil grin. "that beast is ours. Kill the others!" As if controlled by a giant queen, the wargs and orcs charged at me -- no, the trees gnawing and breaking the spooor pines as they creaked and cracked under the added weight.

I knew that they would not hold anymore, and with an ear-shattering roar, I let out a flowing river of purple fire before I tore down the nearest warg tearing its matted fur to species. All while my pale blue eyes flicked in the growing fire.

The flames licked the dry grass carkjcling the life out of them and burning the few that dared to come close to them. But I wasn't faced by their fur; I relished in them.

But I kept myself close to the peines so that my dwarves would not get burned. for wood and fire aren't friends.

With a spin, I flapped the fire towards the orcs burning many, all but one: the pale orc Azog. A fury was unable to even for the flames.

I understood then that I had to take matters into my claws. I had to kill that flight before he killed us. So I wasted no time and crashed into his board chest. Despite his stature, he was small under my sharp claws, and his skin was as if the earth had been the things against me.

I tore at his adding more wounds after his already scared body. "you," slash, "will," sash, gr...." huret," I finished my sentence with a blow to his bald head, making him tumble down his white wolf that crushed under my weight and fell dead down from the ledge they were standing on.

"hurt them" I finished feeling the fire I had wanted so long to use bubble in my throat for a final strike. But then I saw something; my pupils were blown wide. It was a vision, you can call it. An image where Thorin was the one who got the final blow to the orc's throat. This was his destiny, his legacy, and his wish.

He wanted to avenge those who fell before him.

A shake of my head later, I was blown to the ground by Azog's mace. He barked orders, but my world became foggy, too foggy to understand what was happening. I felt tugs of rough rope search against my fine scales, but that was all I got from eh waking world before my consciousness faded and the world became dark.

All that was left was the void of blood and light.


A grin spread darkly across the burning face of the being. 

His just as-burning eyes stood against the black firees that consumed him. "have you gotten the beast?" he rasped. The orc nodded, moving aside to allow his minions to drag in the white beast. 

Sauron's maw cracked open, and his form flickered. "good work. Now leave," he said, and teh orcs left, all except the orc that had a mass of red blood running down his forehead from the claw marks across his flesh. "what happened to you?" the dark lord asked, raising a single eyebrow at his servants torn flesh. 

azog sighed and pointed at the unconscious dragon. "her claws punctured my skin before we could make her fall to the dreams. She is a ferocious opponent, my lord. Do well, and do not underestimate her," azog spoke. Sauron snorted and moved over to the beauty revealing the stars in the sky. "I am the dark lord. I have nothing to fear from a beast from ancient times. Put her in the dungeons. she will see that we will not treat her lightly should she attack us and not give us the thing we want." the orc nodded and called his soldiers again and, altogether, moved the dragon away from the throne room to the dark server. 

His evil grin never left his lips as he turned to stare out of the abandoned fortress. "one day..." he muttered and grinned madly, "one day they will all see that they have underestimated me. Dragons will rise the world to the gourd without or with my help. Smaug will come to us, and he will be paid the heavy price of defying me.... "

"and the Light Fury will be mine to rule.

The Hobbit: ℑ𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔫𝔡Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum