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A young boy with shaggy jet black hair and emerald green eyes woke up in the dark to a loud rapping noise coming from his bedroom door. Most people would say his bedroom was small but the 6 year old thought this was the perfect size.

This small place had kept him safe away from his Uncle Vernon when he had done something wrong like burning their food or not doing his chores right. And it had been his home for as long as he could remember.

Another knock on the door jumped him back into reality. "Get up now you freak and make breakfast before your uncle and dudders get up!" He heard his aunt screech as she left heading towards the kitchen.

This time he moved quickly towards the door and opened it slowly. He looked both left and right before taking a hesitant step out into the hallway. Once fully out, he quietly walked into the kitchen and got out all the ingredients he would need to make the Dursleys breakfast.

He had been cooking their breakfast, lunch and dinner for two years now, still needing the small stool so he could reach the counter tops. He had learned how to perfect each meal after a couple of time making it and today he was making sausages and bacon.

While those were cooking, bacon in a pan and sausages in the oven, his large uncle and cousin came stomping down the stairs.

The young boy got the plates out and set them at the table and checked on the food that was pretty much cooked. He jumped when he heard his whale of an uncle coming from behind him. "Freak make me some coffee and bring it over here quick."

The 6 year old went to make the hot drink completely forgetting about the food cooking. Once the coffee was made he delivered it to his uncle.
"Hurry up with breakfast boy!" His uncle commanded.

He went back over to the food and felt his blood go cold. He had burnt the bacon. He turned around hoping that his other so called family members hadn't noticed the slight smell of smoke in the air and luckily for him they were completely oblivious.

He rushed to open the two small windows and to turn off the stove. He took the sausages out of the oven and placed them on the side and they were alright but just a bit on the crispy side. He plated up the food and placed it on the small round table and quickly left the room to hide himself in the dark corner of his bedroom.

He really hoped that they wouldn't notice. But how could they not, their bacon was burnt to a crisp.

"HOW DARE YOU BURN OUR FOOD YOU LITTLE FREAK!!" He heard his uncle bellow. The terror settled inside him, he knew he was screwed.

He listened in silence as the the angry footsteps came closer and closer to his little bedroom door. The boy knew nothing could save him now.

The round brass door handle turned with a great force that could have easily torn it off. "GET OUT HERE YOU LITTLE FREAK!"

Trembling with fear he very slowly left his place of safety know that if he stayed there he would get an even worse punishment.

Completely out he looked up and saw his uncles face. It was turning a bright shade of red as the purple veins started to pulse. 'This isn't going to be good' he thought. This was going to be just as bad as last time.

He felt a strong grip grab his small shoulder and pulled him upstairs into the second unused bedroom. His uncle forced the small body on a wooded chair and tied the thin wrists to the arms of the chair.

The terrified boy was shaking. 'Not again, please not again'  he thought he didn't want to go through this again. He was forced to watch as his uncle took of his belt and raise it towards him.

"This is what you get for burning our food you freak!" And he brought down the belt on the already scarred back and a squeak of pain slipped out the boys mouth.

After the years of this happening he had learned to keep his mouth shut and not to utter a word because that only made it worse.

Each whip of the leather belt made a harsh sting across his back and salty tears started to seep from his eyes. It felt like it had been going on for hours until it finally stopped.

He couldn't focus be heard the sound of the door shutting before he was left in total darkness. Pain was throbbing through his body and he couldn't take any more. And with that the young boy passed out of exhaustion and pain.


Events like these took lace many times over the next five years and the boy had new scars and bruises to hide each time. Some big and some small. There were times when the wounds were so bad that he was unconscious for days whilst his unknown source of magic healed him at a very slow pace.

The boy is now 11, still believing his name is freak and other terrible names he had been called by his so called relatives waiting for someone to save him.

This is the first chapter of Alone. I hope you enjoyed it I'm going to try and finish off a few chapters so there's more to read. I'm also going to try and keep up with the other stories I've wrote and keep up to date with them. Thank you guys soo much for reading I really appreciate it and I would love to hear from you guys.


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