Raj: Sheldon? Sheldon crying?

Howard looked at Raj, worried while he was talking.

Howard: Yeah.. Why was Sheldon crying?

Leonard felt like the room had gone hotter and smaller.

Leonard couldn't lie, it would be too obvious.

Leonard: Not important.

Damn it was getting hot.

He felt like something was squeezing him.

His heart tightened, his forehead formed sweat, his hands started shaking.

Howard and Raj looked at each other, something off about Leonard.


Sheldon's POV:

Sheldon's eyes slowly open, revealing he's still sitting beside his bed.

He tries to remember why and how he's sitting here, then instantly remembers, he fell asleep crying.

He unlocked his bedroom door and stepped outside.

It's oddly quiet here..

He goes over to the kitchen.

Wait a second.. It's monday..

He remembered..

Sheldon: I'M LATE TO WORK!


Leonard's POV:

Leonard: Take care guys.

Lunch was over.

Normally, he would still be with Sheldon, but as of now, Sheldon isn't here.

So, he stayed alone.

The day is longer than it should be, it feels longer without him.

Damn he misses Sheldon.


Sheldon's POV:

Sheldon was late for work!

He was rushing around the apartment, doing everything he needs to do.

He put his clothes on, brushed his teeth, everything that he normally does (just in a rush.)

After everything was done, he was ready to go..

But how would he go?

He forgot about that.

He could use a taxi..

Wait, who is he? A taxi?!


Sheldon sighed, as he knew today, was gonna be a day off.

Sheldon: Wait! I can text Leon-

No.. not Leonard.. I'm trying to avoid him.

Sheldon then removed his jacket, and put his phone down on his desk, faced down.

What could he possibly do today?

He kinda woke up a "little" late, so work was almost over.

Everything was fine.. except Leonard was still on Sheldon's mind.

It was horrible without him..

Sheldon thought about what it would be like to be it Leonard for the rest of his life, tho, they're already roommates!

Why did it have to happen like this.. why can't it just be like those perfect romantic movies!?

Maybe Sheldon should just let go of the idea.

He is already happily married with Amy..

If he somehow does get with Leonard, what is he gonna do about Amy? What's Leonard gonna do with Penny?

I'm overthinking everything.

Sheldon isn't used to this emotion, he's unfamiliar with it.

But he dearly craves Leonard's kiss..

The moment I had.. in the kitchen with him.. I need that.. I want that for the rest of my life.


I am so sorry about taking long!! I haven't gone any motivation to do it.. and plus, my tiktok is going wild!! 2 videos over 1m!! So I pretty was focused on that. Also, I do realize that when Sheldon got married, he was moved in with Amy, and in here, he's living with Leonard, while being married to Amy (for now 😉), I do realize it doesn't line up with the actual show, I apologize. Also, sorry for this chapter.. it might not be up with your expectations.. I really terrible at doing these! I apologize, again. But, I can get better if you guys can leave suggestions of things I can improve!! So if anything could be better, please tell me. Thank you for reading, and chapter 11 will be on it's way! <3

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