"What exactly am I supposed to be smelling?" Joey's voice brought her violently back to reality.

"Anything that has to do with your sweetheart. Or if you don't have one, anything you truly love or anything associated with it. That's why it's different for each person."

Joey hummed in response. "Well, it seems to me your potion has worked like a charm."

"Thanks, Joey!" Shelby grinned. "And thank you for your help!" she thanked him, taking the jar with the wizard tails to put it somewhere she would definitely find the next time.

"It was really nothing," he shrugged, eyes locked on her back. It was truly miraculous how he managed to empty a fire resistance potion in a nearby pot and quickly refill it with the contents of the boiling cauldron without her noticing. One wrong move and he would have been caught red-handed. But Shelby remained blissfully unaware. "I really must get going now. There are seas to conquer and treasures to be found. Goodbye, Miss Witch!"

"Goodbye Joey- Aaaand he's gone," Shelby mused, staring at the open door the pirate had left behind. She shook her head at his absentmindedness as she closed the door before Tortoise got any ideas and decided he wanted to hop outside and get lost in the mangrove forest. She then looked back at her cauldron. Despite having prepared a small portion of the potion, it now required cleaning. She figured that the sooner she was done with it, the sooner she could attend to other more pressing matters. And so she grabbed the cauldron from the fire and headed outside.



ff to the Kingdom of Glimmer Grove, Princess Katherine kept herself busy by tailoring a new outfit for Oli the Bard. After Sausage had brought him over, she didn't have it in her heart to let him roam dressed like a beggar of some sort and so, she put all her creativity at work. She wanted something nice, but not too flashy, something that would really make him look like a bard. Perhaps she ought to tailor a hat for him too, like she had done for Shelby...

"Oh, Katherine~!"

Katherine audibly cringed. She wasn't unfamiliar with Joey's unprompted visits yet she didn't look forward to them either. She had hoped he'd eventually get discouraged and leave her alone, but Joey was stubborn and persistent. Not only that, but also the pirate was often a source of perpetual trouble for her, willingly or not. And she had just solved the misunderstanding with the sheriff... Just her luck.

She abandoned the tunic on her desk, sighing. She had better deal with him right now before resuming her work. After all, she would never be able to get anything done with Joey nagging her. And so, Katherine exited the tailor shop, looking for the pirate who haunted her everyday life.

"Ah, there you are, my princess!" Joey exclaimed as soon as he saw her.

"Hello, Joey," Katherine said politely. No matter how annoying he was, she was still a princess and she was raised better than kicking guests out of her kingdom like that, although admittedly Joey made it really hard not to. Her patience wasn't unlimited. "How can I help you?"

"I hope you enjoyed my gifts. I worked really hard to get them for you, you know!" he winked at her.

Katherine crossed her arms. "Oh, you mean the gold you stole from Stratos and the TNT you stole from the sheriff?" she inquired, raising an eyebrow. "You are going to drag me into a diplomatic episode Joey, and trust me, that's the last thing I need right now."

Joey didn't even have the decency to look guilty. "I have no idea what you're talking about. All the gifts I handed to you were a result of my labor!"

"Sure." Katherine rubbed her temples, the beginnings of a headache threatening to ruin her day. "Is there anything I can help you with? I'm rather busy." Of course, she wasn't going to disclose to him what she was busy with. Oli had confided in her that the reason behind his misfortune was no other than Pirate Joe who had thrown him into the sea. She guessed that she wasn't immune to his anger, should he ever find out she had sided with any of his enemies. Even his adoration had its limits.

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